
Caitlin Taylor

Ask @CaitTaylor

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That's why you're so smart. You just stay up thinking. Always keeping the brain working. >:)

Haha funny, I'm not smart lul <3

What do you do if you can't sleep?

When I can't sleep I just don't sleep.. I literally just stay up all night doing nothing but lie in my bed and think about everything. I literally stay up for hours just thinking..

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would you rather die when your kid is young or your kid die before you ? :'(

Me die when my kid is young, I know it would be hard for them but it's better because they would only be young so at least they would still be able to live their life.

what is the meanest thing someone has ever called you or another person ?

I can think of one thing but I'm not going to say it. I don't really get called bad things to my face :p

Do you wish you never met someone ?

No, everyone who has come into my life has changed me into the person I am today :-)

would you rather be able to speak to all animals or speak every language in the world?

speak every language, it would make it easier for when I travel the world someday

Have a zombie Apocalypse or have World War 3 ? :O

either way people will die so it would be bad D: but zombie apocalyse would be scarier so ww3 i think

would you rather your first kiss be all over again with another person or stay the same?

Another person like Zac Efron or something please <3

what would make you happier? Having more friends or being successful at school?

I enjoy the friends I have atm so probably being more successful at school.

would you rather murder your entire family or be part of the human centipede ? (LMAO if you have not seen that film )

EWWWWW! thats yuck, none pls


Language: English