
Caitlin Taylor

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ily, be happy :D you're PERFECT <3 be careful with guys, make sure you pick the right one for you. Don't want to end up being treated badly.

Omg youre amazing :-) this made my day, yeah don't worry I'm mega careful when it comes to that kinda of stuff; ily anon <33

go away anon. it's between them and them only. its upto them to sort whatever it is out, no one else should interfere in other peoples business or else it will just end badly.

Yay ily anon <3
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

lol I heard you like nathan, youprobably aren't gonna answer this so people don't see but if you don't answer then it'll show me that you like him

Lol are you going to send me this about every guy ever? I heard you need to stop assuming shit and do the three filter test
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

lol I heard you like blake, you're probably aren't gonna answer this so people don't see but if you don't answer then it'll show me that you like him :-)

You heard wrong. Me and Blake are just mate :-) So tell whoever told you that they need to use the Three Filter Test!
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

truth: unless he's a liar? goodness: depends on what you think? Usefulness: same as above so you tell me!

Truth: give me some evidence and I may consider believing you!
Goodness: how is you saying this benefiting him?
Usefullness: Same as the above
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

anon you must be stupid to not know she has a thing with that year 11 guy

hahahahaha no you anon must be stupid, talking shit all over my ask.fm page :-) I don't even know like any year 11's! lol
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

that anon about rejection is the reason why he hasn't told you. He told me this last week

Three filter test
1) Truth: Have you made absolutely sure that what you are about to tell me is true?
2) Goodness: Is what you are about to tell me about my friend something good?
3) Usefulness: Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to me?
Hit me up when you can honestly answer yes to those three questions about what you just said :-)
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

do you want it to be proved or rather not believe that it's true?

Not sure, but in my opinion if they wanted me to know they liked me they'd let me know :-) But they haven't so therefore I'm going to assume they don't or if they do they don't want me to know and thats fine
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

it's you. even though you do not want it to be true believe me it is

I'm the kinda of girl that will only believe you if you have proof :-) I never believe anything anyone says lol
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson

things that annoy you?

wow so many things
people who are too cool
people who ignore you
people who talk shit
people in general
when credit isnt given where credit is due
liars ~ I'd rather get hurt by the truth then lied to!
when my name is spelt wrong
people that do stupid things
people that don't put 100% or arent completly commited to things
people who assume shit
PROMISE BREAKERS! Like omg how hard is it to keep a promise, dont make it if ya cant keep it!
irritating noises (squeaky pens)
and so many more things but I have things I need to do haha

but if they did, what would you do?

Depends? but even if I didn't feel the same way I wouldn't be friendzoning them? Just because I'm not attracted to someone no matter how nice they are to me doesnt mean they are doomed in the friend zone -.- It just means I'm not attracted to them like that! Just because a guy is a good friend and nice to me doesn't mean I'm going to fall in love with them! Maybe I just don't feel that way and I value our friendship? Just because a guy feels a certain way about me doesn't mean I have to feel the same way back, I'm not going to fake feelings so they feel better, like they arent in the so called 'friendzone' ~ soz not soz for ranting
Liked by: Nathan Rollinson


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