
Caitlin Taylor

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What’s your favorite public or state holiday of the year?

Xmas cause everyone is together and having fun. Its great :-)

10 things about yourself that no one knows? List any bad habits you have Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What are you wearing right now? Any piercings? tattoos? if yes, where and what? I just farted, oops! >.<

I'm not going to tell you ten things -.- but here are a few (pretty sure some people know these): I'm rather paranoid I always get worried that nobody actually likes me.. lol. I'm a total hypocrite like I tell other people to not be hard on themselves but I am honestly my biggest critic, I like to analyze situations and figure out how people are feeling without them having to tell me and tbh I think I'm pretty good at it lul, theres all this family shizz but I wont go into that on here and I have this one nightmare that I constantly and it freaks me out so much oh and I am so self conscious and I don't know how to accept compliments cause I always think the person is lying to me/just trying to be nice . Bad habits.. don't have any of them aye ;) I see myself at uni or pretty much finishing doing some sort of course and I think I will have moved out by then so hopefully I'm living with my amazing friends, and I'll have a job. Um right now I'm wearing boxer short things and a t-shirt Nope - had my ears pieced but they didn't do it straight so like when I put them back in it hurt soo bad :'( never got them done again lul. Nope, not my thing. Lol thats great mate :-)

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What do you like the most about yourself? Would you change anything about yourself for anyone? How often do you wear make up? Favourite TV program? What sort of phone do you have? Do you read? What's your favourite book at the moment? Is music important to you? Do you have shower or bath?

I'm not sure. Not for anyone but me. Rarely - requires too much effort. Home & Away. Some random shit thing. Yes, as much as possible. Looking for Alaska. yes. Usually a shower
Liked by: Kimberleigh Murray

thoughts on hewahd?

He is the soccer boyc leader haha. He is one awesome guy. Hes an all rounder - funny, smart, sporty etc. Like Gatzey he has been there for me through highschool putting up with all my shit and letting me know when I am being crazy. So many good times with this bloke, he can make me laugh in pretty much any circumstances. He comes up with the most ridiculous ideas but that is what makes him so funny. He is definitely someone who is good/fun to have around and has been one of the people who have made highschool so much fun so far :-)
Liked by: Kimberleigh Murray

thoughts on josip?

I used to think he didn't like me, but recently I've become better friends with him and he is actually really cool :-) he is sporty as! Hes funny, sporty and the man at black jack :P

5 favourite from the soccer boys?

I love them all but probably gatzey, hewahd and nathan are my favs (dont wanna say five lol cause I cant decide between the rest of them because they are all amazing and good blokes)

thoughts on corey?

He is hilarious! Hes someone that everyone gets on with and he knows how to have a good time. He is a top bloke :-)

thoughts on lale?

Lol, knew this would come up eventually. He is like one of my bestfriends, hes like the only person that has been there for me the whole time over the last few years. He knows me soo well, he knows me better than like everyone cause hes a weird stalker like that. He is smart, nice, and freaking hilarious (well he thinks he is anyway) he always tells sick jokes that are funny as :P We have had our fair share of ups and downs. We always have scraps and I always win :D He has always had my back through like everything and can tell when I'm putting on an act, pretending im okay when I'm not :P We have so many memories its crazy, I can be myself around him and we always have a good time. He pisses me off all the time because he is an annoying faggot. Lol jokes <3 I thought writing my thoughts on him would be easy but turns out its not as easy as I thought haha, so many things I could write but I don't know how to word what I wanna say lol. So basically just a short summary on my thoughts on him: He is freaking amazing person, an amazing friend and I would be absolutely lost without the boy as much as I hate to admit it, hes just the best, could go on forever but I won't bore you with it because he knows my thoughts on him. He is also a silly fag who thinks hes cool but he loves me more than anything so its okay ^.^ <3

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Liked by: Kimberleigh Murray

thoughts on travis?

I think he is hilarious, he is really fun to hang out with. He's always cracking jokes lul. He is a really good friend, he always checks that I'm okay and I know he is always there if I need to talk about something. He is a tumblr addict :P hahahaha
Liked by: Kimberleigh Murray


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