
Cameron Dallas

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I want to kill myself

Just buy saying this to me, you have shown that you have a sense of living, that you have a sense that you don't want to end your life. The reason for this, is because by sending this, it shows me that you're reaching out for help, and help that i will try to give.
First of all, i just want you to think, think about all the stuff you have experienced in your life, all the times you've laughed, all the times you've smiled, and all the times you have just felt free.
Now, i want you to think about all those memories vanishing, and no more being created. Sounds awful doesn't it? A life of memories just gone, within a matter of seconds, just because you may feel like you have no reason to live, or you don't fell happy, but that is never the case. THINGS GET BETTER!
If you think you're at rock bottom, just like i've already said the only way is up, but you need to climb, because nothing in life comes easy, but it is something you do in order to live.
I sure many people wouldn't want you to commit suicide, me being one of them, because i would hate to see someone end their life, because things aren't great.
Think about all the things you can experience, and all the things you can do, i'm sure you still have plenty of years ahead of you, plenty of years to grow, discover new things, and let those memories live on, and create so many more!

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I have the ugliest scars all over my arms and legs, and they're so hard to hide. I don't want people seeing that I self harmed, mainly because I don't want them to pity me, but I also want to be able to wear t-shirts without bracelets up my whole arm. Why did I do this to myself

Listen to me ok. You're gorgeous even with scars princess. Don't worry about what other people think about you. And it wasn't your fault ok. Just be confident in your self you're gorgeous <3 I love you so much


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