

If you could wish for something more important than anything else you could have wished for that you truly desire what would it be???

I have debated this answer in my head for a bit now, because it is how I really feel and yet for it to be the one thing I truly wants scares me. Not sure when it became more important than everything else but really there is only one answer. I would wish for you to truly be my soul mate. For us to work things out so that we can start our crazy life together. For us to start on the path to make our own family and make choices together. Find a way to make our two lives one great life. A life that we enjoy, in which we explore our dreams, just chill together, and support each other. Everything else just feels so insubstantial like the wind or a shadow. Neither can hold you, at least for any real time, and both are gone without a trace once the clock moves forward. I want to make this something real that wether the clock, calendar, or the world changes it is as solid as spider silk and meteorites.

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Language: English