
(Seven) Ștefan Olbojan

Ask @ChristianCage978

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Fete perverse sunt pe aici? Sau au ajuns legende?

Proaste ar fi să fie perverse cu unul care nici nu poate vorbi despre asta fara anonimat. Baka.

Imi aduc aminte in toamna cand ziceau toti ca ne vom intoarce-n lockdown national. Uite ca nu a fost asa, ba chiar au scazut cazurile si ne indreptam spre finalul pandemiei. Panicatii s-au panicat degeaba. Eu am fost relaxat mereu, pe toata durata. Nu am golit raftul de hartie igienica, plm.Educatie

Raportat la cat de multe va dati voi normies seama, banuiesc ca poti sa o numesti asa. Presupun că asta a ajuns educatia :-)) sa nu golesti raftul de hartie igienica. Stai tu linistit că sunt lucruri mai rele decat pandemia care pot aparea tocmai pentru ca "se sfârșește pandemia".

Vi se pare ok sexul de la prima intalnire?

Depinde de cum arată. :-)) Daca e urâtă si da si semne de prostie, nu e bine.

cauta singur, pana atunci, te las ca nu discut cu analfabeti fara bac-ul luat. la revedere

Marș mă rebut uman. Ca am sau nu am bac-ul luat nu are relevanţa în discuţia asta, pentru ca tu fiind o persoană cu probleme nu ai identitate si esti cocky cu anonim. Asta una, a doua, tu esti analfabetul/analfabeta, pentru că dacă sa zicem ca ai avea dreptate, e o problemă de gramatică si asta m-ar face un agramat, nu un analfabet. Tu ca o persoană cu dereglări, nu o să ințelegi de ce ziarul pulopolis nu are credibilitate doar pentru ca scrie o rudă de-a ta acolo. Hai marş de pe profilul meu, continua si stai cu ma-ta si fa figuri din spatele anonimului, ca atâta poţi.
+3 answers in: “La ce film/serial ai plâns, și se merita sa mă uit?”

Hai ca am început ziua cu dracii

Măcar tie nu-ti da un anonim ponturi din ziarul pulopolis despre gramatica. Dex sau doom nu mai exista ci ziarul pulopolis te educa.

Now I understand a blade lovers perspective. I just hope you wouldn't use it for something violent or harmful. Keep safe!

Never. Why wold I? I was weak, and is not a shame to be weak, is a shame to stay weak. Weapons should be used to protect not to harm, and when you are exposed to violence, yoy either become violent, either search for peace. I'm the secondary case, I don't like violence, and I consider that we as humans should be more evolved, than killing eachother for no reason, or just because we can. however, due permanent training with those blades, when the times will come to protect what I have to protect, I will be able to. That's all. I always prefer to fight with another man in a Go or Chess match, and with women in a bed xd, and that's because I know how to use blades.
+2 answers in: “What do you like to spend money on?”

You remind me of someone I know. But what makes you so interested in blades?

Well, I was growing up in a toxic neighborhood with dangerous and stupid people, without a father. Kids usually bullied me for what my father did, so I start wearing a knife because that's was what kept them away. later on, I was stabbed, but I survive, and I thought that, I need to learn how to use them, in order to. avoid accidents. I was passionate about Cooking and History, so knives works nice with both. Basically I was interested in blades because no one else got my back at a certain point. Laws works for those with money and power, hospitals treat those with money and power, and is a never ending circle. Blades give me the support that I need to escape alive from that toxic place, and run far away. I have no human friends, because humans cannot be trusted, but when ever a blade let you down?

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+2 answers in: “What do you like to spend money on?”


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