

Ask @CodyCornish

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Don't listen to that anon, Cody. Please . They don't know anything and you are amazing, please don't listen to them . /:


Please stay strong.. I know its hard but if you were gone alot of people would miss you. Don't let the haters get to you, prove them wrong and stay strong than once this is all over you stand up to them and say "Take that, haters" you can do this! I believe in you and I'm here for you.

Who is this

Not true, I thought the same thing but I found somebody who made me feel complete and you will find somebody too and they will love you unconditionally and nothing can break you guys apart. Give it time. Fuck what anyone has to say, they are just insecure bout themselves thats why they are anon;*


Can you please smile? Middles fingers up if you just don't give a fuck!

Why smile? I'm never happy and prob never will be :(

You're NOT ugly. You're NOT fat. You're NOT any of that bullshit that they are saying. They are the ones that's hiding behind anon,for all you know they could be fat and ugly man. Don't let them get to you, they ain't shit nor will they ever be. You're amazing no natter what anyone says. Fuck them.


Take off anon questions. I want to know who the fuck is soo bitter and cold hearted that they would tell someone to go kill themselves. That is soo unbelievably FUCKED UP. They are fucking pussies and I'd love to kick their fucking asses and send them to the hospital fucking cunts fuck off.


Leave him alone you retarded anon -.- how about you go do all that crap you said for him to do???Theres a reason you're on anon you're to scared to say thtq to his face off anon

Thank you :(

OHHH! And love is love, whether its online or in person. Have you ever seen the show catfish? They fall in love over the internet and you can see that its real. How about you stop judging and talking shit about what YOU can't feel or have bitch;*

Seriously you're perf ok? :)

They obviously have no life and nothing better to do but stick their big ass noses into other peoples business. Anyways, do you have kik?

Yeah yp_its_cody78

Oh removing anon. That is the most childish thing ever. Clearly you are still pathetic and a tool and I dont see why anybody likes you. News flash, Katelyn doesnt want you so stop with this "I love Katelyn" bullcrap cunt. And dont you ever, EVER, talk about Patty or I will drop you kid. Swear to god

Michael Angelo Hernandez Jr.
Lol who the fuck are you? Lol oh boy drop me hahahaha :') okay :)

How about YOU stop being on anon you fucking pussy. Fuck off its HIS business not yours. Why do you care so much. He's better than all of you fake ass bitches. Get out of here and get a life and stay out of Cody's.

And that's why I love you <3

Oh look guys, "get hit by a bus". Something a 5 year old would say. And clearly, you don't know what love is either because you cant stay in a relationship for more than even a week, let alone, a day. You thought you loved Katelyn and you hurt her in not even in 24 hours. You dont even know love. Ha

Alright let's are you talk shit now :) <3

GET THIS THROUGH THAT BIG ASS HEAD OF YOURS AND PUT THIS INTO YOUR TINY ASS BRAIN: KATELYN DOESNT WANT YOU AT ALL. Not now not ever. Heres a tip: DATE A FUCKING GIRL FROM YOUR STATE. Youre honestly so pathetic if you think you found true love over long distance. Oh, and KIARA DOESNT WANT YOU EITHER!

She probably doesn't now you are right I fucked up. But get this through your head you shouldn't be talking shit if you're gonna hide behind an anon button seriously. I did find true love distance doesn't matter, obviously you don't have a hell of a clue what love is and probably never will the way with your little tamper tantrum you are having, but I do love katelyn so you can either come off anon, go fuck yourself (: or go fuck yourself then get hit by a bus(: ok? Bye (:

And how is creepy knowing this is what ask.fm is all about, you know, TALKING ON ANON. So put a sock in it you fucking cow. And please tell me how its stalking? How is it stalking knowing you two put your problems out here in the open on ask, you fucking retarded white trash hemp? Exactly, so stfu.

Lmfao hemp? Really? Go her a life and if you hate reading this shit then stop following me and her or stop using ask all together simple as that just fuck off..

thats creepy a'f knowing she doesnt want you at all

That's creepy as fuck knowing you are an anon stalking me and katelynsproblems and don't know shit? And oh well if she doesn't want me IDGAF we broke up a day ago almost two so go shove a dildo up your ass and run into a wall


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