

Ask @CodyCornish

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I just gave u another one ask me the question again if u didn't get it the black pussy was me the white one wasn't me

Okay I wasn't even the one asking you for it but okay I'll look ..

no it won't just show it to me I showed u mine

You are black tho and that girl was white so obviously one of them wasn't you

Okay everybody lets get one thing straight I am fucking single stop ruining my fucking life god for fucking bid I try to become friends with a girl I never knew that was such a fucking crime stop stalking my damn life and get your own cause you're all pathetic wastes of breathes if you are trying to

Ruin somebody else's life just because I fucking talk to a girl doesn't make me automatically wanting to get with them grow a pair a balls and say the shot off anon you little cunts do it you won't you're all a little bunch of pussies who sit on their asses giving hate to kids who are 10 times better than you'll ever be. Get a fucking life I will find out who you are. And I don't fucking love katelyn no more she's the player she goes from me to another guy back to me to another back to me to a girl back to me to a guy back to me . It doesn't fucking stop and yet I get called the fucking player you're all cunts. Go fuck yourselves get a life and stop worrying about mine.

What happened between you and Brittany ?

Idek anymore but as my last answer says I just don't care anymore I give up on being there for people, and get hurt cause of it or get my feelings played with but me get called the player. I'm done I give up :(

I give up with everyone I give up with everything no matter what I do I'm never good enough all people do is make stuff up about me and people always believe the anons but never me and I can't do it anymore. :(

I just give up


Language: English