

Ask @CodyCornish

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Cody calm down smile cheer up be sweet stop talking to so many girls and I promise that you will find a good girl your 16 your probably not gonna find your soul mate right now so stop getting tore up over girls.. You are a really sweet guy when you wanna be. Just smile and let the girls find you!

Katelyn Taylor
Thanks :(

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Close your eyes , let me tell you all the reasons why , think you're one of a kind , here's to you the one that always pulls us through , always do what ya gotta do , you're one of a kind thank god you're mine , you're an angel dressed I'm armor. Hope this made u smile :) have a good day Cody :)

:') <3

Guys leave Cody alone! Like holy fuck. Get a life! And Cody I know I may not forgive you for what you did , but that doesn't mean I don't care about you . You're perfect in every way. And I love you so much. Just please stop . Don't hurt yourself. .

I love you too </3 and its too late... </3

Yeahh I I wanted too. Like I said, I was t trying to be rude and I'm not saying you don't actually do it because irdk.. If you do you really shouldn't put yourself through that kind of pain.. You have problems with your family. So do I, but I stay strong for them. Shit happens bro. Just let it go.

Paige Brock

Really.. I'm not trying to be rude, but if you treated those girls like shit and now they're treating you like shit doesn't mean you need to cut yourself. And if you really do cut yourself, why blast it all over a social network? Js. That's kinda dumb. But I hope everything does get better for you.

Paige Brock
-.- thanks . -.- just had to force your opinion out to the world did you .

It's all true <3 Ur so amazing and ur one of my best friends ever. Idk anyone quite like u. Every time we talk u put a smile on my face

Awe :') <3

With all due respect but both you need to calm your tities and get over it... Youre acting like 5 year olds... So what if what Cody did was bad he did it end of story no one cares anymore so stop being a drama queen and lay off the dude

Thanks dude I regret hurting them but I can't change it and I can't prove I'm sorry they live like 2-4 states away from me

Ur such an amazing person and Idc what u say but to me ur an inspiration. Just by everything u have told me. U have helped me so much. Get through so much an I really wanna do the same to u if u will let me

Awe omfg :') <3


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