

Ask @CodyCornish

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Cody i read the fucking questions you answered, they DO happen to be in my newsfeed and I can clearly see that you deleted it to try and save your ass, all I can say is fuck you.

I'm sorry this is from the other day but I'm still trying to process this who are you what could I of possibly of done to you being that I've barely been on ask for the past 4-7 months and don't talk to anybody on here really? So please make yourself known come off anon Kik me do something

Who do you follow on Vine?

I wonder why my name keeps being brought up in anons questions on other peoples asks.. Hmm I wonder.. People must want a piece of me

If you could tell Britt one thing what would be?

I'm sorry. She'll get her wish she won't hear from me again. But I fell hard for her and idk why.. Guess her personality because I honestly forget what she looks like. Anyway I'm done on ask

Yeah same here I agree with you. Girls say all we want is to fuck them but they are just as bad.

Exactly my god damn point

Thanks. :/(

One way or another you girls all have a thing in common. It's to find a way to blame guys for shit. Or make us bad. Pathetic


The feeling of anger and hatred is... Powerful. All other emotions are a weakness, a cancer. And do more harm than good

I'm not a whore, but "whatever helps you sleep at night"

Favorite quote "My friend. My ally. My betrayer. What happens here today, will change the world forever. Nothing can stop this. Not even you."

Hahahaa one minute you're all flirty and nice and the next you're calling me a whore? Well, someone's a little jelly that I got some. XD

I'm really not but if that's what you want to think to make you sleep better at night then go for it

and you wonder why she doesn't like you... Lmaao

I tbh I don't care id she likes me anymore I'm not the person I was during the summer. I have no emotion I feel no remorse towards anybody anymore feelings are a weakness


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