

Ask @Connorgarry

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Do you hold your hand there for a while that sounds wierd hahah

Maybeeeeeeeeeeeeee not

hey my aunts a lesbian & she is about to get married! i love her to death and always will. shes one of the coolest aunts (:

That's amazing she has the chance to get married! I hope it goes well!
Liked by: millie ortega lyd

who cares if his uncles are gay. everyone has different interest. there very nice & funny. w/ a great fashion sense ✋ chill you're tits.


wow i heard you have gay uncles. thats embarrisin

Why the fuck would it be embarrassing? I love my uncles! Who the fuck cares if they're gay or not? Honestly they are the nicest guys I have ever met. They're chill af too haha. If you had gay uncles would you think it's embarrising? If so then you've got some pretty bad issues. I love them just like I do with all of my family. Who cares if they're a little different? If they like the same sex who fucking cares? It's their freaking choice! So seriously anon if you wanna fuck with me in real life let's go for it. #damnrightisupportit

Why do you like maddy?

First off I love her which is an upgrade from liking btw.
Well here's a list:
She's amazing
She's sweet
She's caring
She's funny
She's absolutely freaking gorgeous
She's crazy
She's helpful
She's wacky
She's somehow able to put up with me
She's the best girl ever
She's out of this world
She's quite possibly an alien^
She likes the lake>>>>>>
She plays lacrosse ❤️
Her family is hilarious
Jax is the cutest kid ever so that's a bonus
She's smart(surprisingly)<-jk no surprise
She likes fear fest
She's outgoing
She makes me try food I wouldn't try normally
She thinks she's good at basketball
She let's me call her mine
She calls me hers
She loves me
I love her
She's perfect. End of story.
Hope you read all of this.


Language: English