

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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You're definitely right, I haven't. But it doesn't look like you wear much at all. I'm sure you still look amazing

i wear foundation, mascara, eyeliner and some other little things. I look like a little kid with no makeup on:')

I don't mean this as an insult to anyone, but do you think that there is a trend of girls being bisexual? Like, just saying they are because everyone else is? Seems a very common thing, especially on this site

its not a trend.. every girl has their lesbian side and on some girls its stronger than others. plus being homo/bisexual is becoming more popular because its becoming more socially acceptable to be like that. its not a trend at all tbh

(Sending this to everyone I follow) Why do YOU think people have such a problem with homo/bisexuals?

Because they think that being straight is the only way I guess... Some people find it just wrong, tbh I dont't care, I mean I went to a homosexual wedding yesterday. asdfghjkl;'# people are silly. they can't help who they areeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Liked by: ChrisGibbyGoober

perfect relationship?

The one I have. Acting like lovers and best friends.
Playing on xbox together
Play and tickle fights
The kissing at random moments
Texting all day and night
Random phone calls
Skype calls just to see each others face
Inside jokes
Not caring about how I look because I still get called beautiful
Being loved for who I am
The cuddling each other to sleep
The long nights just talking to each other on the phone about how amazing and how much the other person means to us
I can't even go on because I feel so asdfghjkl;'#
Liked by: Elaina Karafilis

Post a picture of your figure, whoever likes thinks you are beautiful :3 xx

This is the only picture I have that shows a bit more of my body :c and It was taken a while ago. I wont get any likes ffs
Liked by: ChrisGibbyGoober

im sorry, i really miss you. but you just hate me and pushed me away when i tried to talk to you :(

Who is this?

Don't say that! I'm things will get better, might not be with him but maybe it's best that way:) x x

I don't even know if I'm with him or not..

Look, Hun whatever has happened, it's going to be okay <3 It might not be today tomorrow or next week, but it will be <3 But how will you know if you leave this world, you have such a bright future and you have got this far so don't give up <3

Thanks <3
Liked by: boo you whore♥.

Awwwh what's up?:O:(

Life.. Everything... I don't know why I just did what I did because it kills.. More than what he was killing me.. I can't live anymore...


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