

Ask @CookieRockstar3

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pedophile[ ped-uh-fahyl or, esp. British, pee-duh- ] noun Psychiatry. 1. an adult who is sexually attracted to young children. You're 16, you're not young, you're ripe :-) x

I'm still fucking young. You're making yourself look worse right now. You cheat on your wife and you're a peadophile. Move on before I block you.

Again, you're wrong.. Look up the meaning of that word in the Oxford dictionary..

You want to have sex with me. Or atleast that's what you were implying therefore you are a peadophile and a cheater. Fuck off. You're extremely immature for a 43 year old

How do you work that out.. I suggest you read the Internet more.. Consensual sex with women over 17 doesn't make me a peado.. LoL at your stupidity!!

Erm no. Love I'm fucking 16. YOU'RE A PEDOPHILE.

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Trust me, your boy-friend is just that.. A boy... Take it from a real man... You'll enjoy it more, cum harder and better.. And you'll cry for more...

No thanks. I'd rather have sex with him than you ANY DAY. I love him therefore I will have sex with JUST HIM. I'm just a girl. FUCK OFF TWAT. YOU KNOW NOTHINGGGGG you're probably just some 13 year old twat

It's not cheating, she GAVE me permission.. HUGE DIFFERENCE..she's not interested in sex after the kids.. She's not crying inside trust me..

It's still cheating. She most likely is dying on the inside. You're looking at other girls and fucking them instead of your wife and that is going to make her feel like shit. No wonder why she doesn't have a sex drive anymore. You've crushed her.

...most girls... Now if you're not getting it properly from your boy-friend.. Visit me for a few hours... I'll bring you to places sexually you have never been and you will leave with a stretched cunt and dripping cum.. Never send a boy to do a mans job darling, cause you're just missing out :)

EW. NO. you are a complete cunt. I don't cheat like you do thank you very much. My boyfriend could probably do it better than you could ever. Why the fuck would I want you? Fuck off twat

Depends.. Counting my wife.. 1/2.. Dogging...2/4... On-line meets.. 2/4... Booty calls ???.... I've a high sex drive and my wife doesn't.. We stay together purely for the kids and tax reasons... She's givin me the permission to look elsewhere and we're both fine with that. I'm up for it with most

You cunt. You Cheat on your wife? Omfg. She most likely isn't fine with it. You do realise that right? She's probably crying in the inside. You are a complete cunt.

I'm not jelly of you.. I get my bit regularly, I'm older than you and follow you because it's like a fantasy.. Your words turn me on and make me hard. I love nothing more than sniffing the worn panties from the laundry basket over in my friends house.. I love all girls and get more than you!

Ewewewewewewewewewew you complete pervert. Ew. Wtf is wrong with you. Oh. SORRY FOR BEING IN A COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP YEAH? Twat. On average how many times do you get it a week Hm? If you're so fucking big.

I don't think you spread them as much as you say.. You've a non existent sex life, I'd say you hold hands with Chris and he might touch your arse.. People that generally talk about it are not getting it at all..The Internet is a wonderful place for gaining information and being somebody you're not.

HAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAAHHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH. yes I am laughing at the fact that you clearly don't know me or Chris. We do have sex tyvm. But I guess twats like you wouldn't know that because you don't know us. I highly doubt a teenage relationship could easily last over a year with just hold hands. Move on because you're clearly not getting any if you're trying to accuse me of lying. Jealous cunt

I was gonna answer that you're addicted to cock!

Well I'm clearly not. If I was then I'd be a prostitute, however I'm not. I don't spread my legs at every opportunity so no. No I'm not addicted to cock

At least Hannah is getting some, unlike any person on here that complains about her life

Exactly:') thank you

Please stfu about your sex life. I can see it all over my timeline.. I'm sure your boyfriend don't appreciate that either

If you don't like it then move on. And actually he doesn't mind so ha. You're in the wrong here. BYE

What does oup mean?

I don't even know, it's like my version of 'oop' but saying it after something sexual happens

Would you rate peoples cocks if they showed you?

probably not, I'd rather not look at other guy's cocks all day long


Language: English