

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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Are you self conscious of your scars?

urm not really
i hate it when people stare at my arms tho
then i try hide them because i know they're probably judging me, ugh
and i hate the scars on my legs
Liked by: Cat Grande sammmyyy

It's me, and I Iove you too

aw hai
what do you look like?
you have Oliver Sykes as your picture, woo love him tho
thankyou for being so nice:3

- Scars are a reminder of who you are and the struggles you've came through - and look at you, you've survived. And you will continue to survive everything that life can throw at you because you are amazing. Never forget that. And you are beautiful. So beautiful. Never let anyone tell you different

aw, this is so cute
means a lot to me
who is this? because i love you

-going around nowadays that self-harm is attention seeking because some dick-heads post hundreds of pictures of their cuts. I admire your bravery in showing your battle scars and I want you to know that you're perfect just the way you are. -

aw wow thankyou

I don't know you at all really, but after reading your answers I found out a lot about you and I've got to say you're amazing. I've struggled, and am still struggling with self-harm and there's no way that I could ever have the confidence to show my scars/cuts to anybody. There's so much bullshit-

hope you can stop selfharming soon

Just seen your story fuck how can anyone be so strong. You are an inspiration to me, to keep battling through the hard times just so I'm here to see the good ones. Stay strong beautiful x

aw thankyou
you stay strong to x

How is her profile picture attention seeking?! Sorry but it takes a lot of guts to be able to show your scars!! She shouldn't have to feel ashamed imagine how hard it must have been to not cover them, stupid cunts like you don't understand what it's like to feel like that, get gone.

Alex Heaviside
aw thankyou!<3
Liked by: Ash

I can't tell you who I am, because I'm pretty sure you hate me and you don't really know me, but all you have to know is.. There are people out there that care, not just your family and friends, there are people that understand and not everyone is one of these horrible abusers okay :')

why would i hate someone who is so nice to me? and even if we dont get on maybe if you tell me who you are we can sort it out? but anyways, this really does mean alot. Thankyou:))

Have you not thought of all the months/ years she has spent being ashamed of them and not letting anyone see? The years she spent making sure no one saw? The months it took being brave enough to show them in pictures and going outside? Can someone tell me how the fuck that is 'attention seeking'?!!

thankyou, you don't understand how much all that means to me. Please tell me who this is? I need to know, you're lovely. I'm so glad some people do understand, it feels great.
Aw I love you <3

None of you really know how hard it is to go out with them not covered, it is terrifying. You are scared people will stare or ask questions, so why don't you just shut up with the abuse and appreciate how brave Courtney actually is for not covering them up.

I actually love you

tbf none of you know the meaning of the phase 'attention seeking'. Are you expecting her to wear a jacket 24/7 or use foundation everytime she takes a picture or goes out. Surely its good that she isn't ashamed? It doesn't mean she is an attention seeker, it means she's very brave....

Liked by: Ash

Shes not attention seeking because I couldn't even notice them before you pointed them out, so leave her alone. You're beautiful, dont listen to them x

aw wow thankyou
means alot:3x
Liked by: olivia

how the fuck is it attention seeking when they are going to be there forever because cunts like you have made her feel small



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