

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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My Daily Question 22/08/2014~ What is or what was your worst subject at school and your best subject?

School was shit

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My Daily Question 19/08/2014~ What is the most stupidest thing you have ever done?

idek, ive done a lot of stupid things

My Daily Question 17/08/2014~ What is your favorite film and who is your favorite actress or actor? :3

I love Martin Lawrence atm, he's so funny
Favourite film?? urm, probably man on fire but I also like safe haven and the notebook and finding nemo and the hsm films lmao

If you have tumblr Send me your user names mines The-Laughing-sandwich (ignore if you dont have tumblr sorry is this annoys you sent to everyone I follow)

Look in my bio xo

Daily question from yesterday : If you could hug someone right now who would it be and why? :3

my dog&cat because I miss them:///

My daily question 15/08/2014~ what is one food you love and another you dislike/hate ?

I love chicken and hate sea food

Daily question for tomorrow (14/08/2014) ~ Favourite hair colour to have (natural or not) ? :3 Also should I keep my rainbow hair or not? :S

I liked my red hair but I love the colour I have now, even though its so damaged from all the bleaching I had to do

Daily question 11/08/2014 ~ Do you have a Youtube channel and if so do you make youtube videos? :3 If you don't do you want to make youtube videos? :3

not really, hate the sound of my voice


Language: English