

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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nakka tuna fish puta ekka yuna lish gakka nooshka yak yak ate roola tu tu yucky hahaha viet fat fatty desirrt court XD XD XD XD XD XD fank dab sous wet mike <3333

urm, what?

your actually really pretty and you seem like you have a great personality. i dont know you but all this hate your getting is just pathetic keep your head high and just smile. then that way your putting your finger up to the haters/the world dont let them put you down you seem like an amazing girl x

less anon please! thankyou so much, means alot to me:)))x

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Anons, leave Courtney the fuck alone, she is perfect, so what she has scars , they are battle wounds it shows they she so much stronger than you as she is still here! Her scars are perfect so just leave.

Kiwi. 喫

why do you hate dan so much?

i dont hate him
but i dont like him because he says he loves me, wants to sort us out, says he misses me. Then after hes led me on and made me fall for him again he says i dont think we should get back together, I dont want a relationship, and then he pops up this friday saying he misses me and is thinking about 'us' lol fuck off. Oh and now hes giving me shit on facebook because he doesn't like the fact all the girls he talks to will see my ask.fm and see how heartless he actuall is:)) wanker xoxox

no problem darling, i've harm most of my life. but you know what, i'm proud, because it shows that i'm a survivor, just as you are, most of the people giving you crap are probably spoiled little mama's girls that have had everything handed to them on a silver plate, i feel sorry for them tbh x


these fuckers need to leave your arms alone, they don't know shit, ignore them, be proud of who you are, who you used to be, and who you'll become, you are beautiful inside and out, and your scars only add to that

thankyou so much. Fed up of people on here, dont understand how someone can be so mean. And not being funny clearly im hurting so why do they have to hurt me more? That really pisses me off. Ugh some people ey? but ahwell, atleast there is nice people like you:))) ily x

you must know the website that blurs because in one of your recent pictures, you've used it o.O

normally i blur them out, but 'be funky editor' has like changed and got rid of the blurring effect thing o.o
^^ read it.

Keep strong for us that suffer in silence! Screw the people who laugh at cuts, they only judge because they're afraid because they don't know, understand or quite frankly care because they are sick human beings. I wont come off anon coz I dont want people knowin but I admire you for being strong

i love you
Liked by: Emma

Aw you're beautiful! Just ignore them they don't know what you have been through no one really does (at lest not what was going on in your head) so they can't try and understand unless they cut themselves they're pathetic and you're so strong and it shows you are strong because you're still here!x

thankyou, this so cute! come off anon xx
Liked by: Jess

Can you please just let me see the picture that you put as you profile picture i don't want to judge you and I'm not going to but I just want to see why everyone is having a strop x

normally i blur them out, but 'be funky editor' has like changed and got rid of the blurring effect thing o.o
Im not attention seeking, i just dont really care. Yeah I dont like getting hate, but they're anons so they are pathetic anyways x

Attention seeker.Why would you show the cuts of in photos?Cover them up you attention seeker

if you're on about my new profile picture on facebook well im sorry i couldn't blur them out. I cant find a website that does it, you find one and i will blur them out.
But there is no need to come on my ask and be a cunt, now fuck off
Liked by: Sean Doodie Khalidddd


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