

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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Did you wank him in the bed that the poo was taken or did he finger you what dirty things happend

no of course not o.o

haha you uploaded that pic because you new you would get loads of ask omg attention seeker

im a cat, leave me alone

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Are you naked in the photo with you and. Daniel

well does it look like we have clothes on? urm no, so yes yes we are

Who would you say hates Molly wills the most out of all the people you know (apart from you) ;)

aylisha reeve
kirsty allen
and louis seems to have a lot of hate for her to?

:) you know the photo you put up of you and Daniel the first one are you in bed with him:s

am i not aloud to be in bed with my boyfriend?
Liked by: kelsey

Face it, you and Daniel don't cwtch. You're not cute, all you do is fuck.

face it, you clearly no nothing because we actually do cwtch and maybe a kiss;) but we don't 'fuck'


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