

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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Hey I'm a girl who tries to raise awareness for serious things in life and it would be great if you could please follow me on Facebook? And possibly share me as well? My Facebook link is on my ask page I can't write it on here cause ask blocks people from sharing Facebook links in questions x

ok ok ok ok, wait. What do you raise awareness for?x

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I would rather not have anyone know. I have been told to tell people but i am just to scared to. But it's okay I am stopping I haven't done it in 4 days.

good:-) stay strong x

Yea, I mean i would show people but my brother and sister also go to the school. And i don't want them to find out because they would probably and most likely tell my parents.

yeah, I hide mine from my brother and sister wouldn't want them knowing their big sister does it tbh, they look up to me:/
and telling my dad was the best thing I ever did, he has helped me alot. Maybe your parents could help you?

Yea! No one at my school knows about my cutting though. Only one person. So they just keep saying it.

:/ most people are just so judge mental and don't realise their silly little comments and jokes actually hurt people

I know how you feel with the 'self harm jokes' thing. People at my school do it all the time. If they get homework or something they says "omg I'm gonna cut myself" and onetime someone walked up to me and said "she cuts from stress" and they didn't even know about me self harming they were joking.

I hear plenty of selfharm jokes everyday, it makes me so angry. They think they are funny getting a red pen and pretending they have cuts then laughing with their friends about it, yeah thats so funny. Someone did that once and then realised I selfharmed the seemed so ashamed of themselves, so they should be though and yeah i know what you mean by the 'omg im gonna cut myself'' phrase, people always say that and ''im gonna commit suicide if we have to do that omg'' and ''that makes me want to slit my wrists'' no shutup, don't just talk about it like its nothing
ahh, people make me angry:))

opinion on selfharm?

selfharm is so sad. I know I selfharm but I actually hate it when i see other peoples selfharm because i know how much they must be hurting, how down they must actually be feeling. Selfharming is horrible, when you've done that first cut you always go back for more, its addictive. Its so so hard to stop. I wish I never started but then i think I would be lost without it. People dont realise that selfharm isn't just cutting though, its alot of things, you can bruise yourself, burn yourself, starve yourself ect its not just cutting. I also hate the fact people get bullied for selfharming whats that all about? why would you want to hurt someone who is clearly hurting already, and selfharm jokes are just sick. That cut4Bieber thing omg, that was so sick to. That made me so angry tbh..
But then there are people who only selfharm because they think its 'cool' or want attention and some people even think its some sort of trend? thats crazy. People selfharm because thats how they sort their problems out, it may not be the best way but thats what some people feel helps them. I think it helps personally. If you don't selfharm you wont understand, you really won't. Only people who selfharm know what it is actually like. But please don't start, ever. I wish I never started. Scars aren't the prettiest things and when people ask you about it is so awkward and then when you actually feel comfortable about talking about it you get judged.
If you selfharm try stop, please? Im trying. You can do it, you just need support:-) Im always here for you, pop up on facebook or even ask on here x

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How many times a day do you eat?

depends how hungry I am, but normal I will like have a packet of crisps in school and then dinner when I get home:-)
Liked by: Caitlyn


Oh poo:( I've only just realised i've gone over 7000. Im a fail, Im sorry:( xx

I won't last long with not cutting :s x

i know how you feel, but maybe if you believe in yourself a little bit you might be able to x

Why not smoke, and stop cutting?:/ I feel bad for you I know your happy but I see it as a illness, I was in your position last year and now im happy, and helping others... I know smoking is un healthy but its healthier than blood loss?

eww no. Im not smoking, thats disgusting:/ I will just try my hardest to stop:) and don't feel bad for me, haha


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