

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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Opinion on paul gortons pp?

its different?idk.
he looks like a lesbian
he really shouldn't wear eyeliner:') ahwell, hes not my boyfriend he can do what he wants
Im sure rachel loves abit of eyeliner
Liked by: Arabella

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I don't want to be the best at selfharming I just want to no if mine are worse I'm much younger than you and I think I best stop but I can't.

well the way you said it made it seem like you did

Would you post a picture of your cuts, cause I selfharm+i'd like to see if mine are worse or not!xxx

I don't really want to..
but if you look in my picture on here you can see my arm
and you shouldn't compare your cuts to people? thats kinder stupid. At the end of the day, why would you want to be the one with the worse cuts? if you cut, you cut.. you are still hurting yourself, you shouldn't care how deep or how many other people do, you shouldn't be like ooo now, I want to be the best at selfharming/:

If your boyfriend self harmed what would you do?

urm, help him? give him as much support he needs? show him I care and I am there for him, get him to talk to me about things so he doesn't have so much on his chest x

scarest thing you've ever seen?

''Sheenan had my mum against the wall punching and kicking her, my mum was in tears but I coudln't do anything to help. Sheenan stopped when she saw me. Sheenan lived with us for about three years, in those three years the abuse never stopped just got worse, threaten my mum and me with a knife, and saw my mum get pushed down the stairs. I saw my mum several times doing drugs, overdosing and cutting, that fucking broke my heart.''
Liked by: Chloe Skinner

If you actually were going thrugh real tought time you wouldn't have told everybody that you cut

i didn't tell anyone until I stopped for a short period of time, and then I started again..
I don't show them off, the only people who really see them are my friends and daniel yesterday, not even my dad has seen them, because I refuse to show people. I get called out of lesson to go to wellbeing, I get told to go to the school nurse, I don't though. I don't want people to care or see them.
just all go away, please thankyou xo
Liked by: Chloe Skinner

I didn't say that you lied abut cutting. I said that why do you seek attention? I cut myself but never go around my ask and tell that I cut myself

good for you?
Im sorry Im open about it, i've been doing it for two years its apart of me. Everyone knows I cut. If they don't like it, thats their problem.
Im not seeking attention, I don't want people to care or anything, I've been doing it for two years, I think most people are used to seeing me have cuts on me, and Im used to it to.. I kept it a secret for ages, but then everyone found out so I might aswell be open about it. and because people know I cut they come to me for help, and I can help them.. which is a good thing, so you can shh

FAKE BITCH! Why would you cut yourself and tell everybody that you do

fake? I tell people I cut because everyone knows
this has really pissed me off, why would i lie about cutting? i don't understand.


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