

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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and here is some advice for you stop being such a slut

Im not a slut though:)
so I don't need your shitty advice, go away and work on the advice I gave to you, STOP BEING A CUNT.

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Snake bites and dreadlocks omg you will look amazing!!


raah. Its the same with me. I always wear a jumper. no matter what. even if its just scars and no cuts. I want to tell her but im kinda scared cos she has a short temper o.e ugh. Id love to be able to stop cutting, and when I see her walking around with her cuts it makes me so angry .-.

pop up on facebook? you can trust me, I won't tell anything to anyone
it will just be easier to talk about this on there:-)x

the thing is shes trying to be me... she started cutting when she found out I did and she said 'I cut now i'm emo like you' and bleh. I told her to get a jumper and she wore it for a day and now shes stopped again. she is in your/our school ^~^ I just don't want people to judge self harmers..

well she is a creep then. I hate people like that, who cut because they think its 'cool' and stuff. No just no. There are people who actually selfharm because its an addiction to them now. And people who selfharm try and keep it a secret, I tried keeping it a secret and did for ages and when I cut now, I cover my arms. Tell her she is a dick please, its not a trend, its not something that makes you cool.. Its something some people do but actually fucking hate it and want to stop but can't. Omg this has pissed me off so much-.-

how do I tell this girl what I think. She walks around showing her cuts off to everyone for sympathy and she brings a jumper but never wears it. Shes making it seem like all self harmers are attention seekers and it really upsets me as a self harmer myself because now people will judge others...

well at the end of the day, she selfharms. She is still the one cutting her own skin, causing herself pain, remember that. But I know what you mean, I have a few people in my school like that-.- Just say, look no one really wants to see your cuts and it makes you look like you are looking for attention, makes every other selfharm look like they want attention to.. try say it in the nicest way though haha:3

who do ya fink ya friends suit??

haha, bless you.
you really want to know^.^ you've asked me this three times now, you are crazyyy
kirsty should go out with me:-)
idk really know who they suit sorry


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