

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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you might want to watch out, rumors are going round saying that Sammy is trying to get your phone number, i hope he isn't trying to get in between you and Dan's relationship

haha what? I think sammy has my number anyways? me and him are friends o.o.. Im sure if he wanted it, he would just ask me anyways:')

whos in ya group of friends?

aylisha, waynen, laura, terri, sophie
and then on the weekends, its like seren, phil, kane, daniel, aylisha and becky:3

you're pretty ^.^ your hair is amazing I've seen you in town a few times and you have amazing music taste and you should stay strong and try not to cut ok :\

awh thankyou, and I will try x
Liked by: Daaaaisy:D

on February 14 Valentines Day i am going to stay in bed all day & cry

Im going to school and giving aylisha roses, i love her..
don't cry, its only valentines day, valentines day is for pooy people anyways:)
Liked by: Daaaaisy:D

I'm 13 i'm going out with this amazing boy whos 16 and i love him but his ex is trying to take him away from me:( Help

kick her in the head. haha, no.. well you could? urm. well if he loves you, you have nothing to worry about.. if he dumps you for her then he isn't worth it. But tbh try not to stress to much over relationships at 13, I did and it just fucks you up:( talk to him about it and tell her to fuck off:-)

do it" NO, if it was simple to stop then it wouldn't be classed as an addiction. Stopping is the hardest thing ever. And all the others giving you shit are just jealous. Courtney's so beautiful, strong, brave and seems so fucking lovely. Stay strong, Courtney:') you deserve to..<3

wow thankyou! this means so much to me. You are beautiful and you seem so nice omg. I don't what to say, thankyou^.^ I will stay strong, love you xxx

Sorry, but the people that are giving you shit for self harming are annoying me.. Seriously, I don't see how it effects them so why give you shit about it? Yes, there are scars on her arms. They're a part of her and they're beautiful. Ye, she hates her arms? I hate mine too, but saying "simple don't


1. Best friend 2. Old friend 3. Sum1 you no longer friends wiv 4. Sum1 you miss 5. Sum1 you love 6. Sum1 you hate 7. sum1 you appreciate.

1) aylisha
2) megan
3) shaun
4) my mum
5) daniel
6) finlay
7) aimee
Liked by: Aimee Kruk


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