

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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But there is no chance I would make you stop being happy, gawd courtney, why do you have to have a boyfriend, I just need you to be mine <3

Jacob ✌️
awh, don;t be silly now! Im nothing special anyways so its fine;3<3
Liked by: joshua morgan

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No, actually we are gonna lie on the bed surrounded by blades and every time you go to get one I'm gonna cuddle you tighter and tighter until you can't take it <3

Jacob ✌️

Your scars are beautiful, that's what people don't understand, that each scar has a memory to it's own, you're beautiful and so are your scars.


No it was gay Haha, next time you go to cut yourself, tell me and within a day you will be in my arms while we throw away every Sharp thing near you <3

Jacob ✌️

Ignore the people that are giving you hate for selfharming, their not worth it and don't understand shit about your life, their just judging bastards! And proberbly have their mum with them to do anything for them, you're a strong girl, keep your head up beautiful, always here for you<3

Thankyou beautiful<3

but you say i hate my arms simple dont do it

simple? haha what? simple, you being serious? if it was that 'simple' to stop I would stop, you know nothing. byeeeeee
Liked by: laura gardner


Language: English