

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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favorite lyric btw your gorgeous<3

You tell me that you love me
Then you go and leave me
Why you do this to me, baby?
I'm lovesick.
I just can't eat,
Just can't sleep,
Can't do much of anything at all,
Cause I'm sick and in love with you, dear.- a bit of never shout never omg
I don't know? I don't really know, but that song is cute:')
and I'm really not:( thankyou though<3

i've tried counselling my mom made me go and i hated it so much:( i just think i need help :(

i hated it to, i stopped going. But it works for some people.. meh, I don't know. You need someone to open up to, and someone who pretty much understands you.. go to the doctors? they will be able to suggest some things to you x
Liked by: peter pans wife

To hide my arms from everyone. Sorry I pressed send by accident aha. Anyways I was just wondering of you had any advice on how to help them fade, you seem so lovely and good for advice :) x

bio oil, its like £10 but its good:-)x
Liked by: peter pans wife

and if i try and talk to other people about it i dont say i do it i say my friend does and she goes oh well you have weird friends so i dont bother saying i do it i try and talk to peple about my friends committing suicide and they just laugh when they can blatenly see im upset :( i told my bestmat

well i don't know. Not many people understand selfharmers, I dont even understand it and I do it. Some people are just to judgemental and don't realise what they're saying is actually hurtful towards you, in some way they are just giving their opinion i suppose? but they shouldn't be so mean about it. Just try and talk to yours friends about it or if you dont want someone who is judgemental and will put you down go see a counsellor x
Liked by: peter pans wife

i cut. and the people i have said always seem to lecture me on not to do it. they say people will hate me leave me out and no one will want me. they dont realise doing that makes me do it more :(

thats one thing i don't understand about people who hate against selfharmers, we will be doing it more if we are getting hate and stuff. People are just heartless cunts. No one seems to understand how much being left, ignored, lied to, pick on, name calling ect can hurt. People shouldn't be lecturing you telling people will leave you, they should be helping and supporting you:( Only tell people you can trust, I was to open about selfharm and I got so much hate for it. I'm keeping things to myself now, i cba with bullies. Tell a family member or a close friend maybe, hopefully they won't be so mean about it.x

it doesn't fucking matter that you cut tbh. it' your way of dealing with it. my way of dealing with shit is drugs aha. i'd rather cut than be me. so just ignore them you beautiful girl aha

Tobz wbu
<3 wow, thankyou! this means alot x


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