

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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no i actually want to know what it is, im not doing it for attention xx really im not that type of person x

I haven't said you are? I'm so confused:( if you want to know what it is scroll down a little and I've already explained what it is xx

i self harm and i was wonder what is the butterfly technique<3

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKfSUOcPKvkCourtneyTracey’s Video 20919683660 JKfSUOcPKvkCourtneyTracey’s Video 20919683660 JKfSUOcPKvk watch that and it will tell you everything:-)
its like, you draw a butterfly where you normally cut and if you cut you kill that poor butterfly which is really sad, if you get into you it will work for you, but I didn't believe in myself enough back then so it didn't seem to work for me. hope it works for you though:)xx
Liked by: windsfowleress

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those photos people are putting up of people really cutting them selfs for bieber, its fake!!

wouldn't surprise me, its just for the attention anyways. They all need to grow up:-)

courtney dont listen to those cunts, yeah in your past you did cut but you haven't done it for a long time so you should be proud of your self<3


Why don't you try the butterfly technique? it sound pretty cute and It'e helping me stopping from self harming :) <3

I've tried that before. didn't seem to work for me though:( I might try it again though hehe<3

What's all this cuttin about Justin bieber? I haven't been told and I wanna know?x

urm because he smoked weed, all his fans have started selfharming to try make him stop, it won't make him stop thought its silly and pathetic. But then some people are taking the piss out of selfharming which is so disrespectful:( if you have twitter search #cutforbieber there will be loads of tweets about it and you can find out more from there or something^.^x
Liked by: #Need_A_Life

Its deffo a girl, I can tell but at the end of the day. We've been there and got the scars to prove it. She's probably some bitch cutting herself becoz of Justin bieber

meh, probably:(

If you're still cutting, you should stop you are perfect and precious and don't deserve to feel like that X

aw wow! thankyou, this means so much to me:)xx
Liked by: Lizzy Browns

Don't listen to that bitch, I'm the same an open cutter it's part of who we are, so if people cant accept us them FUCK THEM <3

wow, thankyou:) and I'm not listening to her/him they're just being pathetic tbh<3

Im a cutter myself but I would.never show anyone my svars and I dont want people to know. You want attention because you're flaunting it about. Grow up. You have no idea what reall depression is like. Its fucking horrible.

ooooh really? I don't think so and I do know what it is like. and I show'd my scars on here because everyone has seen them and everyone knows about them. I wouldn't ever ever post a picture of my cuts on here though and when I do have cuts I try my hardest to hide them, but I shouldn't have to hide my scars, they are healed and that means I haven't cut. so really I should be proud of myself and then be able to talk to people about it. and because people know I cut, people come to me for help and I can help them, and I can support them. I really do not want attention, thats the last thing I want.

im alright x whyy would people cut themselves just for the attention of someone famous

I know, its so stupid x

Nbf but you put as your status about someone posting their arm on twitter yet you put yours on here. Hypocrite.

urm no? I put a picture of my scars. To show people that you can be strong and stop. I didn't do it for attention and I didn't do it to get some famous person to stop doing drugs. This girl is fucking crazy @dutchminati << her, she is mad. Seriously she is cutting herself, killing her animals, saying she wants cancer to get his attention. I'm really not a hypocrite it just makes me angry how someone would put a picture of their cut up arms just for a famous person to see it! and I love the fact you haven't popped up on facebook or said something on my status you have said it on here, ooo fucking hell you're so hard:-)

why do you openly say that you cut yourself?

because everyone knows anyways, I've been doing it for two years o.o
and if I'm honest and open people know they can trust me and come to me when they need help, which is good:-)

omg how do you get your fringe like that...i want it:(

I dunno, I kinder just kept pulling it over and now its like this:')


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