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yeah I know but I met up with someone today and they were like 'i'll talk to you later' and they haven't bothered since so neither have I :/

oh, well I don't know. You can either wait for them to talk to you or like text them or something?

Ah I hope so! just wish people wouldn't ignore me it's the worst!:/

fucking hate being ignore, it is the worse. well if they're ignoring you, stop trying. No seriously you're probably pissing them off more by trying to talk to them.. I know how bad that sounds but its true. Just say something like, right I know I;ve upset you ( or whatever you have done) I will leave you be for a bit now I guess, but atm I need you more than ever i hope you can forgive me soon, byee xx
just say something along those lines and hope for the best, you shouldn't have to beg for them back, thats not right or fair. you need the help and support they shouldn't need you to beg as well, doesn't make sense.x

i know you weren't i just didnt want you to think that i was begging for compliments but thankyou anyway:'3

hehe its fine:')

:/ I have done stupid things and probably hurt them though, and I honestly don't know how to make it up to them I really don't . I've tried but nothing seems to work! I even think I've put off the guy I like which hurts as well ! but thank you Courtney! I will

well I hope you all make up soon, would be good for you, you need people right now!x

i'm not putting myself down its just true. its ok though you don't need to try make me feel good about myself!:')

aw good, and I'm not, I'm just being nice:-)
you seem nice enough, you will find someone, hehe

Hey Courtney, I have recently started cutting as I have lost alot of friends over the past month or so. and feel like I have no one left and don't know what to do.. my only friend that's left goes to a different school so I am dreading going back.. (don't post to fb please)

hiya, well they should be supporting you not leaving you. If you have started cutting you need love and support not to be left:/ you may feel alone but your not, I'm sure you have some people left, you may have lost some but the ones who have stayed are the best people to have around you anyways. When you go back to school you will find new friends or maybe if your old friends wise up a little they might come back and help you? But on the cutting side, please try and stop? You can stop if you believe in yourself, just stay strong okay?

Thank you. You don't know me but you helped me. I won't cut just for you. You are an angel thank you

I'm glad to hear that, I'm always here for you, I promise:-)

i'm so jealous of your relationship! i want one just like yours

aw thats cute, you can get one? just find the perfect someone:)

I'm not. Self harm will distarct me. I hate my life and my family. Why do I even breathe. I'm starting right now. Just tell me how to stop the fucking blood.

right to stop it, stop cutting. get toilet paper/flannel/ cloth anything you can get blood on and just put pressure on the cut, if its bleeding that much you need to tell someone to make sure you haven't cut to deep. If not hopefully it will should stop soon.
you might hate your life, you might hate your family atm and question why you're even still alive its because you are worth it, people do love you and people do care about you. try and stop cutting yourself it isn't good, it doesn't and won't help you I can promise that.x

I wanna cut, how do you do it?

no no no no, please don't cut. omg, no please don't:(
you will regret it for the rest of you life, you will wish you never even touched that blade, those scars will be there forever, they will ruin you forever. it will get addictive and will just get worse and those cuts will spread and selfharm will become a part of your life. If you're having thoughts about selfharming talk to someone now, right now. even if its me? i don't care who you talk to, aslong as you don't cut or do anything that will harm you. Please be strong and don't start, you're perfect.x

opinion on me? x

shaunnnn, i feel as i'm losing you, its sad:( we rarely talk now and if we do its about all the sad stuff in your life, I miss the happy shaun. You're one my closest friends even if we rarely bother with eachother. I just know when I'm sad I have you to turn to and I promise I am here for you to:-) keep smiling xx


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