

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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Im not acting hard? Me and courtney arent close, but sitting here reading this abuse shes getting for being honest? Really upsets me, courtney is nothing but strong. Im just trying to make her smile

Bethan-Elizabeth Cadmore
see told you guys, I know you weren't acting hard bethan, your just showing some LOVE and KINDNESS, (yay) until like some people:( thankyou beautiful, means alot, I don't want you getting hate for being nice to me though, makes no sense o.o xx

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I find your scars perfect.. Probably a bit weird.. But as a self harmer myself I think scars are pretty :s

I don't know what to say..

beth u aint hard so stop tryin soundin like

I don't think she was trying to sound hard? she is trying to support me and make me smile, so go away-.-
what is up with our world? everyone is so judgemental and heartless, wtf like?o.o

oo love that song o: just when i found your profile i was listening to abigail XD x

omg, going to listen to that now! such an awesome song, who is this? you have such a good music taste^.^x

Right, the general jist of ask.fm is to answer the questions you get asked yes? Courtney did exactly that. Because you bastards ask her such personal questions. So dont come on her profile saying that shes attention seeking, you pathetic, low life individuals.

Bethan-Elizabeth Cadmore
wow, thankyou Bethan means so so much xx

There not actually that big:L they're for stanly knives

i know? maybe its because the picture was big haha, who knows o.o

Aw look who's attention seeking, why the fuck would you put a pictur up like that on ask fm, attention seeking whore.

i'm really not, I actually thought I would get hate for putting a picture of my arm up so I'm clearly not looking for a attention, i put it up because someone asked me to and tbh I shouldn't and won't be a shamed of my arms anymore because they're scars now they show how strong I am after everything I've been threw. and a whore? I'm really not, I think you should just shutup and leave because you are nothing but a cunt and I don't want you on my ask.fm bye bye

shit, that's massive! what's it off?

urm you use it to cut stuff:L i dunno, my dad use to have loads for things so I would just use them, because they're like proper sharp so they would work I guess?xx

Your arm:( i feel so bad for you, seeing that picture makes my heart break:'(

no no no, i don't want to break your heart:( I'm sorry xx


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