

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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rant about something?

oh my god, well what can I say? I will rant about things that piss me off, SCHOOL. It's pretty much full of fake people, who are heartless and only be friends with curtain people for the 'gossip'. Everyone shit stirs and lies, people you thought was your friend fuck off and never talk to you again. You'll know when a slut is near because you'll hear their silly little voice they put on, most the boys think they're to good for anyone, the girls wear their skirts way to high but we love it. It makes me laugh when the teachers shout and pretend to be scary but really we all know they just want to cry because we're all little shits.The school is falling apart and always stinks of shit, it needs to get burnt down, all the teachers are either alcoholics or do drugs as most of the students do to. Brecon High School is a fail, its crap, a waste of time. But no matter how much I hate it I could never go to a different school to be honest, it is a laugh sometimes and banter with the teacher is so so funny, should try it sometime.

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I try to backcomb my hair like you do but my hair doesn't take the backcombing and wont hold even with hairspray...any suggestions on what i could do?

you need to get better hairspray:o
and just backcomb loads and loads if it doesn't hold well, hehe

opinion on paul gorton?

what can I say? Urm, he could be so nice but also so mean, he helped me through everything and I know I can trust him with anything, well I should hope I still can.
but we don't talk no more, which I guess is for the best? we have so many memories together, but its also so weird how someone can go from meaning so much to you to meaning nothing at all, ahwell

Why don't you try find your mum?

because I'm only 14 and no one has contact with her? I can't just get on a bus/train/plan and just hope I will go to the right place and she will just be there happy to see me?

what would you do if you found out your mum was dead?

words can't even explain how upset I would be, I don't think I would be able to cope tbh.

I dont know Dan that well, but to me he doesnt seem the sort of person to cheat. You have, what seems like an amazing person there, hold on to him...

I don't think he would either, and I will if tries to leave I will knock him out:-)
Liked by: daniel

why do you trust dan? he is clearly cheating on you:/

see I don't think he is, and if he is why would he still be with me and waste his time in a relationship if all he wanted was to just get off with loads of different girls whenever he wanted to? just doesn't make sense.
Liked by: daniel

What makes you lose your temper?

oh god, everything.. my temper is terrible lately:(
but, yeah
-people who think they're everything
-people in my school
-someone hitting my bag in the corridor
-teachers who think they can shout at me
-teachers lecturing me
-being ignored

its not like i want to be like this,but i've tried killing myself,i don't know if he knows,no one does really,accept someone keeps posting it on my ask saying 'cut deeper,you were nearly there,you've gotta drink more bleach' but i deny it,i'm not say i will kill myself,i just think he thinks i will?

of course you don't want to be like this, it sucks. You need to talk to someone about everything otherwise things will just get worse trust me, but you should be able to talk to your boyfriend about everything to, hopefully he will understand.. and whoever is giving you hate on your ask.fm should fuck off they clearly don't understand how much words and call naming can hurt a person


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