

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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im 13 and a size AA in bra sizes, is that normal;)?

oh urm, yeah I guess?
normally they're bigger than that by now, ahwell maybe your just unlucky^.^
Liked by: luce ♡

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What age? you're probs thinking 'what a freaaakkk' but oh well, idc;D xxooxx

if you mean what ages where the boys? they was 15 and I'm 14:')
what age was you when you had sex with Daniel?:o xoxoxox

who have you had sex with? i had sex with dan....joking! dont take that offencivly:L xxooxx

I've had sex with two people, and did you? oh naughty xoxoxox

Is it normal to start your period then of for a week and back on grrrrr it pisses me of

nope, thats not normal.. nothing to worry about though, go to the doctors? they might be able to give you something to make your period normal?:L
Liked by: luce ♡

name all the things you've done with dan, and where/

I'm a bit of a fidget so, holding hands.
holding hands is a huge step for me, its like OH GOD OH GOD, WOW CONTACT YAYAYAYA
hehe, and sometimes we hold hands in school or in town or something? depends whos there, wouldn't want my daddy knowing I hold hands with boys:o!!

people need to grow up there all shit stirrs dw xxx

awh thankyou, i know they're.
It's pathetic, really starting to piss me off:( x

Fucking cheating on dan with Paul..

clearly, dont be so fucking stupid! I've seen Paul once since I've been going out with Dan, and he knew about me seeing Paul and all. Wise up, I really cba with all this shit about me cheating on Daniel with Paul, why would I cheat? and if I wanted to get back with Paul, I would anyways, I have no reason to cheat on Dan, I love him. I don't love Paul anymore, just fuck off

What annoys you?

people in my school
Mrs Thomas
being ignored
getting out of a warm bed:(
when my makeup fucks up
the rain
the wind
being short (only sometimes though)
tall people
people who think to much of themselves
how small the corridors are in my school
when someones bag hits me-.-
my braces
waiting for my nail polish to dry
when a CD jumps omfg.
when my laptop is slow
when adverts play over the songs on youtube
the word 'fit'
using like my £10 notes ect
when my phones dies
people who talk with food in their mouth
people who say they're ugly, but they are stunning
when I lose my phone
when aylisha reeve farts
when people are so dramatic over nothing
okay, that will do^.^

It's not 'hate,' It's trying to get you realize, you're not in love. Please stop saying it, you're using it lifelessly, there is no meaning behind it for you. You're overusing it, its not a little word for you to just play around with. It had a strong meaning behind it.

I don't say it to anyone other than Dan, and he is my boyfriend, so I'm going to tell him I love him:L
You're really wasting your time, its stupid. I don't give a shit what you think about me or what I say:3
p.s I love Aylisha Reeve to, hehe<3


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