

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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never ever ever in a million billion years will you ever guess who this is, but i just want to say i just read your story and it nearly reduced me to tears. i never knew much about you before and think i heard the wrong side of you, but now you have my full respect, not that you need it. stay safe x

I don't know what to say other than, thankyou, means so so much!
would be cute if you popped up on facebook saying who you are though:')xx

so Sheenan was with your mum? or? Sorry to hear all that Courtney *Hugs* xx

yeah she was, well I think..
Don't worry, *hugs back* xx

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Whats brecon like?

Jasmine Robins
its nothing important, if.you come from Brecon you most likely either, alcoholic, takes drugs, suicidal , lair, a slut, been pregnant, haven't got a job, live in a council house, goes to the shit whole 'Brecon high' gets into fights, had sex with a number of people by 14 or always eats from the kebab house o.O.
its a great place!;)

i just read your like story. i know you are not a boy.. but you are a 'lad' for putting up with that. full respect to you.


how long do you think you and dan will last?

n'ah, I dunno? I love him so hopefully a long time:')..
Liked by: #Need_A_Life

opinion on Aimee Kruk?

me and Aimee aren't that close, but we talk now and then, she is lovely!
she is so strong, and after everything she has been through and going though she still manages to smile which is good:').. she seems lovely, wish we were closer tbh xx

Courtney, you aren't a 'hangin sket' or any of these other names people call you, you're beautiful, smart, funny, and extremely strong. dont listen to any of the shit you get on here, they're all just anon twats who think its funny to give people abuse <3

awh thankyou! I wouldn't say I was smart though;D
And I know they are, silly people<3

dan could do better than you

I know, but not being funny me and him are happy together, what gives you the right to judge and tell me stuff about mine and Daniels relationship? you have no right, bye now

what makes you happy?

My boyfriend<3
Olvier Sykes
my bed
when we no homework
:3 << that face
being called beautiful
my friends
people who care
my little sister
someone saying they love you, but actually meaning it
not crying
losing weight
when I have a good hair day
no abuse on here
could go on and on, but yeahh

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

Daniels house and do some spooky shit to make him cry:')..
I'm such a nice girlfriend<3
Liked by: Aimee Kruk daniel

Why do u take so much shit from people? They are wastes of space and u could do a lot of better things with your time! Cutting is your way of dealing with things, everyone is different... Although I don't do it myself, I wish people would be more understanding! They aren't living your life, you are!

well they are to scared to say it to me personally, so I kinder have to just take it:3..
I know, people are just silly:(
but thankyou(:


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