

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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Don't use ask when you're felling down or sad either, it'll make you feel a lot worse, I started cutting deep becuase of people telling me to on ask, I don't want the same to happen to you!!xx

yeah but people like you are being nice, and its cute:')..
and I know been there, done that:((
but don't cut, pleaseeeeeeeee xxx

I hope you don't get hate, you didn't do anything wrong, its just pathetic people that have nothing better to do than abuse you, sad, sad people, love you beautiful xx

awh thankyou, I hope I don't.. People don't realise how much it actually hurts me.
who is this? love you to?xx


well Shaun is friends with Finlay? Daniel is friends with Finlay?
gunna get hate now for mentioning her name now, lololololol

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do you have any friends who are friends with anyone you hate?

yes, but thats fine, aslong as there my friends still its all good:')

have you ever tried using bio oil?ive heard its really good for getting rid of scars!and I'm really glad to hear that you've stopped:-)<3

I'm going to try it soon, and awh thankyou:')<3

your favouriteand least favourite teachers?

Favourite Mrs Homes, she is actually amazing! I talk to her about everything, I trust her to much<3
least- Mr Simms, omfg.

Everyone needs to shut up, stop being insulting and talking about personal subject for example, self harm, it should be kept mainly to yourself, and other people should not be so rude.

thankyou xo

Stop saying things about finlay shes lovely you dont know anything about her fuck off her courtney

I said I didn't like her? go away you silly anon

If you hate ur scars so much stop fucking cutting you dipshit

wow, really want I fucking need right now, fuck off your a waste of my time
I have stop cutting, they're scars!
They don't just go because you stop cutting, now your the dipshit here, go away

how long have you and dan been going out for?

1 month and 10days, I think:o..
and no I dont count everyday! its because we got together on the 17th and the 27th today, so yeah:')
Liked by: daniel #Need_A_Life

Im glad too hear you have stopped, it takes alot, and its goes to show how strong you actually are! You don't need to go back cutting, there's safer ways to deal with pain,just dont hurt yourself Id rather not pop up.. Im the very last person you'd think. I hardly know you either..<3

awh I would love you to pop up, your so nice:(( we should be friends, but its fine, your choice(:
thankyou though, means so much!<3

You are stunning, I would love to look like you, you have a really nice boyfriend, I hope you do stop self harming, if you already have good for you, you are perfect the way you are, don't ruin yourself, one good thing to do is tell someone, just let it all out and cry into dans arms, stay strong<3

I'm not stunning but thankyou! I bet your beautiful, don't compare yourself to anyone your perfect. I know, Dan is amazing to me, I love him so much! and yes I have stopped:').. and I have no one to talk to anymore, I but its okay I can keep things to myself its fine, and I'm always blooding crying, Dan would have to be with me all the time, but awh thats a good thing though mind^_^<3

Courtney you're beautiful. I don't want to see you harm yourself. You're so much better than that.You're such a strong person from what you have been through, and i really do look up too you. Harming yourself is just ugly reminders of the pain. Please stop if you already haven't <3

I'm actually proud to say I've stopped, I am actually really happy with myself, I just hope I never think I need to go back to harming again:(
Your so sweet for writing this to me, made me smile and atm I feel like shit tbh, so thankyou!
Pop up on facebook or something please?<3

From boots you can get something called bio oil, that works really well for scars:)xx

okay, I will go look tomorrow or something:')..xx


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