

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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i'm so confused! :( Wish i was a confident boy that was sweet and cool and interesting and wanted a girl for more than just sex! But i'm not! :( So what should i do?

urm, I don't know.. if all you want is sex your not going to be a sweet boy tbh, if you want to be all those things only you can change it, try find a girl that wants a cute relationship and get closer to her, and then you might want a relationship with her instead of just sex, but obviously don't just use her, only get with her if you care and love her(:

i'm 19 and i've been shy to talk to girls in a more than friends way my whole life! I always get stuck in the friend zone! And then if i try and make a move, they'll think i'm only after sex, which i kinder am! (just natural for teens) But don't they like sex too?

you shouldn't just be after sex? Try and get into a good relationship first..
your the only person who can sort this out, try open up to girls more, and if you like someone try get closer with them and then hopefully everything will work out from there, hopefully they will like you back xx

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i'd rather change my personality and be a better person than stay single all my life! cause right now i'm rude, obnoxious, selfish and stubborn and that's a major turn off for girls, i'm guessing. I think i need to change who i am. xx

well if your not happy with yourself yeah do try change.. and yeah being them are a turn off for girls:(xx

but i think i will be single forever! What if i'm 30, i can't say "oh i'm still young, i'll be patient', i can't say that forever! and i don't know how to treat a girl because i have no experience! People say be yourself, but what if my personality sucks, should i change who i am to impress girls?

no, never change to impress anyone, you won't be happy if you change yourself!
how old are you now?

I hate when certain girls get called sluts! They're acting like sex is a bad thing to do!!! It feels good not just for the guy, for the girl too, mutual enjoyment! If anything, guys are sluttier than girls!

yeah, but you got to think about it from everyones else point of view? If your like kinder young 13-16 ish you shouldn't be sleeping around with everyone tbh, thats why people get called sluts ect
but yeah thats kinder true, the boys don't seem to get called anything do they?:L

what's a good time to go to sleep and to wake up? And to eat ur 3 meals, i'm trying to be more perfect. How about this: sleep 11pm, wake up 7:30, breakfast 8:30, lunch 1pm, dinner 7pm? xx

yeah that sounds about right(:
You should sleep like 7-8 hours I think I'm not sure?x

does having a good figure (i.e. muscles) help attract girls? Or am i working hard in the gym for nothing? I've never had a gf! :(((

well personally I don't really care, but yeah having a nice body does help I guess?
but really as long as you have a nice personally and know how to treat a girl right it shouldn't matter.
Don't try change yourself to be accepted by people, look like you want to look like, so if you don't want to have all these muscles don't have them(:
your not going to be single forever don't worry about it!x

Question: Do you have laptop or desktop? - Ask me something random in return ;3?

I have a laptop:o..
and okay hehe:')

girls joke about some guys being creeps or pedos but it's really hurtful! We have feelings too! It's just as bad as a girl being called fat or a slut! It hurts!

I know you have feelings? I haven't said anything?o.O..

have u ever had sex with someone you don't love? Does it still feel good? Otherwise you wouldn't be doing it if it didn't feel good, right? xx

it feels good to have sex with someone without love anyways
but it feels that little bit more meanful and special if you have sex with someone you love..
and yes I have, but I did like him alot, but it wasn't love.

what's the worst thing about sex? Best and worst!

worst? is there anything bad about it?
best? urm it feels good? and if you have sex with someone you love it feels special:')
Liked by: Joe Beech

are cuddles and cheek/forehead kisses the cutest? :') xxx do girls love that affectionate stuff? awh xx

yeah! being all cwtched up watching a movie together, and that cute peck on the forehead, awwh:3 xx

what are some of the sweet things Daniel does? I want to know what makes a good boyfriend? xx

just being there for your girlfriend is the most important thing you can do, show her you care, and that you will always go out your way to make her smile.
remind her all the time you love her
never lie or keep things from her
give her cute messages to wake up to
spend time with her
got the idea? xx

what does love feel like? xx

I don't know how to explain it, its the best feeling ever..
your have butterflies all the time, when you get a text of them your heart just fills up, your just so happy..
urm, you feel special and never want to let go of that person, your have to experience it yourself to know, words cannot explain it sorry xx

that's why i'm more brave to talk to you hear coz ur so sweet and won't judge! :) Felt like you didn't want to talk on fb xx

awh, I'm sorry, pop up?xx


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