

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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just want to say one of Finlay's 'friends' told me she gave Frazer Mccanally a blowjob, Finlay really needs to shut up tbh love you Courtney!<3

awh thankyou, and Frazer popped up earlier and he says its all rumours? I don't really care if she did or not either way I hate the girl.
and I'm sure i love you to<3

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I no but i am ur gardien angel at the end if the day :) xxxx

wow, I had one before on here!
you the same one or do i now have two?!xx

I know 3 Frazer's so dont know who the fuck you're on about, I never give someone a bj, im not a slut. Im in year 7? Fuck off and leave me alone please.


Finlay is a fucking penny two faced .. Worthless... And none likes them and everyone trys to get rid of them FINLAY YOUR SO SKETCHY your so fucking minging your not perfect and never will be !!!!


it's okay, i'm not having a go or anything but it's gone on too long now and I don't like seeing her upset..

Hannah Lily
tell her to shut her mouth then and everything will be okay:')

you and finlay don't get along, can you just leave eachother alone? my girl has got to upset about this, and i expect you have to, just leave it now please

Hannah Lily
she is the one that bitches, and says shit about me a Daniel, not my fault? I haven't got upset more like angry ^_^

why u hate finaly? coz she's a slut? i heard she gave frazer a bj !! haah, and shes year 7, lol

I hate Finlay because she is a bitch, I don't care what anyone says I dislike her so so much..
did you know she is saying to her little group she fancies Daniel? saying she is going to break us up, ahah!
I have my reasons for hating her, she is in year 7 and acts all big and hard, thinks she is stunning and everyone loves her, no.
Liked by: Abbii:))

which one unicorn? or unicorn llama? :D :D

Will you let me rim you analy and let fuck you with my fingers up your anal, if you want to I'll meet you at your house at 8, love you fuck buddy

-no, and you love me, thats sweet
and if you turned up at my house asking to do things to my bottom, I think my dad would most likely shot you, so don't bother:(!


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