

Ask @CourtneyTracey

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How long would you be with dan to have sex

I dunno? just think about this okay, I was with Paul for nearly two years, 4-5 months into out relationship was when I had sex with him.. and with Luke we was both very drunk overwise I know I wouldn't of so..

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yes most the people in our year have lost there viginity but that because they were with people they love for at least a month and i didnt care that you had sex with paul its that your getting drunk and doing stupied stuff that is giving you a bad name

a month?haha

Opinion on Chloe Thomas?

Chloe, she is a lovely girl! We ain't that close but close enough to talk now and then, she is in my informed class and has fucking amazing eyes omg*_*

opinion on Rachel Grummett?

oh what a question, I hate her.. I hate her so so much haha!
but she has been there for Paul which is kinder good though, feel sorry for her though she like loves him and he just keep rejecting her:(.. ahwell

did he hurt you? cause you said he's a bully?

yes, he hurt me. I don't mean like the hitting way guys don't get the wrong idea-.-..
I mean like, he was just cruel and said mean things.. but that wasn't all the time, Paul is a very very nice person most of the time overwise I wouldn't have been with him for the length of time I was with him for?
Paul just needs some support and someone who can take his mood swings but i can't so we broke up and we both need to move on:').. and I have and I'm so much happier:3
Liked by: daniel

cutting yourself?wearing brightly colored all stars?

no, i mean how am I attention seeking? I know that I'm a 'scene kid' as you said haha! its just me, thats what I like to wear and look so I'm not going to run away crying am I?
and cutting- pretty much everyone cuts themselves does that make them a scene kid to or?..

you don't have to answer this, but like im just wondering who's paul..

who is Paul? he is my ex, I went out with him for nearly two years

Why the fuck are you being horrible to Courtney? Most girls in her year have lost their virginity so I don't see what the big deal about it is, Courtney and Dan were seeing each other before they went out I think? Since when does cutting make you a bad person? Stupid anon, you+dan are cute:3

awh thankyou! yeah we was:').. and cutting doesn't make you a bad person, just some people are horrible heartless cunts:3..

Aka sleeping with people that you only just met and dan finguring you even tho youve only been going out for what 1-2 weeks i thought you had more self respect than that tbh you descust me .And u want to be a teacher ha yeah i dont think so .. Drinking , sex , self harm all at age of 12-13 noway .

right, I had sex with Luke I didn't really want to, we was both hammered overwise I knew we wouldn't of..
and again, me and Daniel was drunk, why do you care anyways? and I'm so stupid to be a teacher hehe, and I'm 14, also I've pretty much stopped selfharming anyways-.-..
and not being funny half the girls in my year have lost their virginity so why only bully me about it? and like every girl selfharms yet your picking on me when I've pretty much stopped, silly:')..
Liked by: daniel

You never liked holly coz what she does ( sleep) with loads of people or do stuff like that . And you thought she was a slag coz of it and that u wasnt coz you only had sex with paul which doeant make you a slag but you my girl is getting out of control you like holly coz u no your turning into her

haha, I like her now because I can finally look past all the bad things people do and just get to know them..I ain't turning into Holly? I don't do drugs, smoke, shag around, and definitely don't shag people in toilets! so yeah:')..

who cares natural beauty is far better than covering it with fakeness ( not that your fake) becasue you are really beautiful you just need to wear less because it ruins the ture beauty that is courtney tracey

Tbh I don't wear that much though? I wear a lot of eye makeup I guess, but thats how I like it so:')..
I will try wear less, just for you anon:*


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