

Ask @DarylDixon928

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Tbh: You're one of the most interesting people I've met and talking with you never gets boring! You are really artistically talented and super kind! (:

Thank you so much, Sofia!
Our conversations are always quite hilarious, no matter how ambiguous or convoluted they may get! xD
Nevertheless, you're very talented with the piano and your a really kind friend! :)
Liked by: Sofia

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TBH u are pretty cool with UR Japenese signs(: AND U LIKE MY COUSIN OMG(':

Why thank you! Or should I say… 有難う?!(^O^)
Oh, and I don't like your cousin. xD
Liked by: Sofia

Tbh~ you are really easy and fun to talk to you are super smart, nice and funny also I hope I see you in the summer ✌️

Thank you, Kerri! The same goes for you!
Indeed! I hope to meet in the lovely summer time! :3
Liked by: Sofia

Tbh UR super cool & interesting and have a mustache and grow a beard plz

Aha, thank you so much, Alyson!
Don't fret! The mustache and beard is coming real soon. ;)
Liked by: Sofia

who do you wanna hang out with in the summer

Hopefully I'm able to hang out with the people from my school! Then, I'd like to see Kerri! >:3
Liked by: Sofia

what song do you love so much?

I love anything from Clannad's soundtrack. Such as:
Town, Flow of Time, People
Roaring Tide I & II
Nagisa Theme
Ushio Theme
Kotomi Theme
The Palm of a Tiny Hand
And both of the After Story's, and original's intro!
It's a beautiful piece of work. I love it so much. ❤️
There's also a lot of other soundtracks I enjoy that are from different animes! Like:
Vogel I'm Käfig
Guren No Yamina
Hiroyuki Sawano
Here to Stay
Soundscape to Ardor
And those are most of them!
However! None of them are my number one! My all-time favorite song, in the history of space time and music. Is…
Lucky Star's intro.
IT'S SO KAWAII! ( ^ω^ )(≧∇≦)
Liked by: Em Sofia

put your friends name in each of them like funniest friend is ____ caring friend is ____

( ̄◇ ̄;)
Liked by: Sofia

funniest friend always there for you friend caring friend nicest friend joking friend stupid friend sarcasm friend and weird friend

Liked by: Sofia

Tim, you are extremely intelligent, and a really amazing person. I hope grade 8 is going well for you :)

Thank you so much, Dhav! I must say, you're a pretty intelligently amazing person yourself! I hope high school and everything else in your life goes well! :D
Liked by: Sofia

are you drifting apart from anyone

Luckily, I haven't really been drifting apart from anyone. At least, I don't think so. 3:
Liked by: Sofia

how was your day/night

My day was absolutely fantastic! However, my night was filled with immense homophobia and stupidity.
Mainly my parents.
Liked by: Sofia

Are u homosexual?

I'm not homosexual, I just support homosexuality rights. My parent, on the hand, are very against it.
I hate homophobia.
Liked by: Sofia Em


Language: English