
Devesh Kapoor

Ask @DeveshJugheadKapoor

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why do you flirt with every goddamn good looking girl ?

I do not. I just speak the truth. Give me an example, will ya?

Why is Abhishek Arora is sooo cheapp.? Crosses the heights of vulgarity!

What? Never thought I would ever hear that sentence. But, this is my profile, not his. Right?

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Do you like to act spontaneously or plan things? Why?

Spontaneity, when your instincts are good, will always prove to be better.

You seem like the only person who is sorted between Bhavya and Pragya, you being more inclined towards pragya. Is that right? ;)

DeveshJugheadKapoor’s Video 127072787795

You can facilitate the process of actually doing something, a lie can't, purely on grammatical terms, facilitate oneself.

I know. Mistake accepted. What I meant was any and all action by the person

Good heavens ,I would really appreciate if imposters don't try to muddle up and cause misconceptions between you and I. I wasn't the one who mentioned her name was 'laila' and I wanted you to know that.

I got it.

10 friends in 11-C

Arjun Gupta
Shreyansh Bhardwaj
Aryan Bedi
And many many more

Again I ask, how do I reveal when I'm not even on ask? Also, do you have a Twitter?

What is your name?

How exactly am I supposed to do that? I'm not anonymous here just so you know. I actually do not have an ask id because I deactivated it around three months ago. Hold up, do you have a Twitter?

Simple. You do have to reveal. I am deactivating

Okay and did you just happen to assume that I somehow got the digits that you own and would lead to further correspondence between you and I magically into my head?

You want it. For that, I need your identity. Simple. Choice is yours


Language: English