
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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I recognize you from no mercy video When i was in grade school i use watch the stunt videos with my old school friends thats the good old days of the internet :)

Thank You For Supporting. I miss them Younger Days. I will show this to Leroy and Trizz :-)

If you could have had a match with anybody in the history of wrestling, who would it be?

Jim Duggan or George Steel mainly to get back at them for putting me to sleep when they wrestled lol.
Liked by: Imnot Creative

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What do you think the perfect wrestler is? Also who do you think is an example of that perfect wrestler?

Russell Goeller
To Me, A Perfect Wrestler is someone who lives and breathes the sport, who gives not only 100% in their matches but in their personality as well, someone who makes everything their own and leaves an impression on the fans, promotion and Sport.
Perfect Example: Macho Man Randy Savage, Bright Clothing, Distinct voice, amazing matches and a legacy and mark in Pop Culture.
Liked by: Russell Goeller

Does bad influence (Daniels and Kaz) remind you a little bit of edge and Christian in their funny segments?

I think they are funnier than E&C, They are great company, very awesome to hang with. :-)
Liked by: Candice

is the story about super dragon quitting pwg after and argument with you over a hot dog real or fake? if this is real please tell me all that happened? o.O

Michael Roberson
It is fake lol. It would probably happen today though if I set foot at that place, but then again I don't trust anything handled by the guys at the Reseda building.
Liked by: Michael Roberson

Do you believe that each individual on Earth has a soulmate?

Use to believe that with everything in me, but that would assume that the two would never have problems or disagreements. The Best kind of Soulmate is one that you can have misunderstandings and argue but in the end know that the fight was fucking stupid to begin with and move on with the make up Love.
Liked by: Candice

so i just got home from a chinese buffet and they were playing With arms wide open by Creed and i could not help but to think of you singing it on stream that one time xD thanks for the great moments Dino you need to do stand up :))

Michael Roberson
Hahaha Thank You Very Much. I tried stand up once and it went really REALLY BAD. So I think I will leave it to the professionals. :-)
Liked by: Michael Roberson

Fantasy book a supercard between 1995 WCW and the cast of Frasier

1.) Meng vs Eddie The Dog
2.)Kevin Sullivan Vs. Peri Gilpin (Roz Doyle)
3.)Alex Wright/Flyin' Brian Pillman Vs. Stevie Ray/ John Mahoney (Martin Crane) "The New Harlem Heat"
4.) Jane Leeves(Daphne Moon) Vs. Big Van Vader. Texas Death Match
5.)Nature Boy Ric Flair/ Lord Steven Regal/ Earl Bobby Eaton Vs. Macho Man Randy Savage/ Dr. Niles Crane/ Dr.Fraiser Crane.
Liked by: Lazer

What do you think people think of you?

Some Love Me, Some Like Me, Some Don't Like me, Some Don't Know Me. I think people think what they want to think of me. I just hope they don't hate me because I seriously don't Hate anyone (Thos who listen to the streams, Yes I don't really hate "him" either)

How long do you need to sleep to be in good shape?

If sleeping was the key to being in good shape it would be a long time before I woke up. C'mon 6 PACK lol
Liked by: Candice

Hey Dino, I was wondering when exactly in January that first brainstorm session about that game you were on board was. Us over at AES are going to bring our AKI game expertise and ideas to the table and wanted a deadline.

Tiffy Lockhart
Right now it is set for the First week of January so I say you have a month and 8 days.
Liked by: Tiffy Lockhart

If you met Paul Heyman and he said that he liked your impression of him, what would you say?

Joey Pitt
"You have no idea what that means to me Sir. I have always admired what you have done for the fans in wrestling, even when you were a manager, and the impression I do is done with a lot of respect, now would you care to record a duet?"
Liked by: Joey Pitt


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