
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Have you ever been literally kicked in the butt?

Numerous times. I think the first time I was officially kicked in the butt was when I managed AXP against the Havana Pitbulls. Rocky Romero was the culprit. :-D
Liked by: Jacob

What makes you happy?

Being able to have money to provide presents for the little ones in my life, Hanging out with my Friends/Cousins & Sisters. Also Talking to JLA :-)
Liked by: Brandy

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If you could have dinner with anyone, who would you choose?

Actor: Robert Downey Jr.
Actress: Kate Winslet
Director: Del Toro/Tarantino just so we could nerd out.
Artist: Tyler The Creator/ Mike Patton
Game Designer: SUDA 51
Liked by: Benjamin LEGEND

Who's your favorite wrestler from the attitude era (assuming you have one)... and your current favorite in WWE?

Top 5: Al Snow, Gangrel, Steve Blackman, Cactus Jack, Owen Hart
No particular order BTW

You find a hair in your dish in a cafe - what do you do?

Call my server and tell them a human fell into the pan where my food was cooked and that they might want to find the body before it got to anyone else and avoid awakening anyone's desire to be a cannibal and then tell the cook to make me a new one and to try and be a little more alert next time. After I am finished I would thank them for their kind service for putting up with my brain and leave the server a generous tip.

What is paradise for you?

Overcast and cold air, wearing warm clothes or cuddled under a blanket with someone I care for and cares for me while watching episodes of Letterkenny, then later on I go out in the back and grill up some hot links and whatever she desires as she preps what she wants to take over on the grill or side dishes, later in the evening we act like a couple of weirdos keeping ourselves entertained with our awkwardness. Then we talk about who out of our awesome friends/family are coming to visit us later in the month. Also a nice cool glass of Tiki Punch lol.
Liked by: Benjamin LEGEND

Would you rather be with the crush of your dreams or have an infinite amount of your favourite food?

Crush of my dreams. I have my favorite food any time I want cause I'M GROWN!
Liked by: Benjamin LEGEND

What wrestling championship belt would you love to own the most?

Any Championship held by Nick Bockwinkle Or Randy Savage. They made the belts look untouchable.
Liked by: Benjamin LEGEND

So Dino i may get this question alot but how did you met Johnny and the rest of NL?

I met them through 50ft Blake. Who I met while chatting away with online. He bought me Max Payne 3 and I just kept talking to him and he helped get me booked at ISW and the whole time it was super dope hanging out with him. He told me on the way back from the show about nL. I was familiar with them via Chocolate Drop and he invited me to check it out LIVE. I asked if it was ok if I made an appearance at the Rumble Marathon and well now they are stuck with me. lol

I'm gonna predict that you've been asked this question times. Where did the Arm VD gag originate from? Was it based on something Rob Van Dam said in real life, or was it something that you made up?

it was from the nL Royal Rumble Marathon. My first one actually. The loading screen or Menu screen had RVD flexing and it looked like he was really trying to show it off for educational purposes. Thus Arm VD was born.

So I found out on Twitter that you're now a rich Southerner obsessed with saying the word "Howdy" a lot? And is this new character you've created one of the Three Faces of Winwood?

Howdy Price is his name. A Character thought up by one Dave Marquez.
As far as the three faces go I would say Robert Stamos was my Dude Love, Dino Winwood was my Mankind and Naughty Bobby was my Cactus Jack since he did do comedy Deathmatches

Choose any company in the world you would like to run - what is the first thing you would do?

WWE/Lucha Underground
Light a fire under the writer's/bookers asses to make it more exciting and get the numbers up.
WWE needs it more. Lucha is fine but it does not have that same energy as it did when it was near the end of season 1.


Language: English