
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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A friend of mine from England are too much like Enzo and Big Cass... Funny thing is, it's generally accepted that I'm Big Cass because I'm bigger than him, yet I'm the one from New Jersey.

Brian Shapiro
HAHA Awesome.
Liked by: Brian Shapiro

Rate TNA BFG out of 10.

I only liked 3 matches ODB (For Pervy Reasons), Peter Avalon/Norman Whatever The Fuck They Named him (For Proud purposes), The Main event was actually pretty good. I give it a 5 out of 10

If you could only see three people for the rest of your life who would it be?

Weird Al, Jennifer Tilly and Anyone from top chef :-)

Opinion on Joel Gertner?

I don't know what he is up to recently, but Loved his work as a Manager and Commentator. An inspiration for my Naughty Bobby in ring persona.

Any good podcasts you can suggest?

Nerd Is The Word, Trashy Trio, The Programme with Matt & Ben, How Did This Get Made,

Do you know Brian Peppers?

I have said his name 5 times in the mirror once, nothing happened.....until I went to go to sleep and found out he had taken the shape of my bed.

I believe Theodore Roosevelt once said "Speak softly and carry a big stick." By this quote, what would ol' Teddy think of The Sandman?

He would challenge him :-)

I know you from No Mercy Video in 2005 my high school years use watch all the videos with my friends haha funny shit

haha Awesome, Thank You For Remembering Us :-)

I aint no racist I'm just a cracker jack more you eat more you want hahahaha

But is there a Prize Inside of you?

You know why miley rides that wrecking ball cause she wants Justin Bieber's nutsack and licking that hammer is she want his dick also miley is insane gawd we must stop her insanity

Ah Leave her be, there are worse out there.

There's a Pokemon in the new game that's a hawk/luchador combo. I wish to name this creature after a famous luchador, but there are so many to choose from. Could you choose for me, or at least narrow down my choices?

Brazzo Del Plata (Super Porky), Charlie Mansoon, Nicho Del Millionairo, Dos Caras, Piloto Suicida

I can't be the only one more concerned about the bacteria on the hammer that Miley licks rather than the fact she's licking a hammer haha

After seeing Contagion Hell No You Are Not Alone.

How is your custody battle with Johnny over Duel going?

Well Johnny is taking a lot better than I thought, Duel went from the Woman I married to a raging twat monster in 0.5 ever since he started losing weight and going to more concerts.

Master Onion wants talk to you hahaha

Kick Punch it's all in the mind.
Oh fun thing to try, listen to Rock Da House by Gorrillaz and on the hook, repeat what Del Says as Parapa.

if you were able to have one super power what would it be and why?

Teleportation to anywhere. saves money on travel and I could help out anyone in a blink.

Since you are a ghost, I must ask: is it funner to scare old people to death, or little kids till they wet themselves?

I would say Old people because sometimes they mutter out random things and it just leaves me giggling like "What the hell moment were they thinking about?"


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