
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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I thought someone said you sung 'I need a hero' in PWG....I guess that mustve been someone else

oh lol I did sing it. It was All Star Weekend 7 Night 1.

Was that thing true about you singing 'I need a hero' in PWG? If so, you wouldn't happen to know what show that was, would you? :P

Was what true about me singing?

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I cant wait to see zayn get brought up to the main roster id love to see him and evan bourne go at it! Id also love to see him fight Alex Shelley!

Michael Roberson
Yup so many possibilities

DUDE.. have you seen cesaro vs sami zayn from NXT this week!!!????!!!???

Michael Roberson
Yep. It was superb :-). Funny thing is those fans seen some amazing exchanges but they have yet to even scratch the surface of both their individual talent. So Proud of them both.

What makes someone attractive?

Open Mind, Open ears, and open eyes. Ability to hold a conversation, to say what is on their mind and not give vague hints at the point they are trying to make, Being able to tell you why they like the things they like not "just because".

Finish this sentence: Big women are ___________.

Cody Blu
Sexy, But a lot of them have become the things they hate, Full of themselves, one of the many traits that would be said about Skinny Women.
Liked by: Cody Blu

Do you ever get tired of doing impersonations or does the entertainment value for you/others outweigh how repetitive it could potentially get?

I don't get tired of doing them for the fans and the broadcasts, in my life outside for the longest time I didn't like to because people would only ask for very few, but to everyone it has been new and fun and a challenge to come up with all new voices to do.

What are some of your favorite impressions to do?

Cartoon Wise its split with Hank Hill and Mickey Mouse.
Wrestlers: RVD/ Savage
Movie: Liam Neeson/ Bill Cosby

What impressions do you think soundwave or any other nL members do better then you can?

Michael Roberson
Soundwave does an AMAZING WOI BRRIT (Wade Barrett). Other than that I think Alex Fitzgerald does a great Cactus Jack, Steve Austin and Piper, Also my personal favorite Jaime Gum (Buffalo Bill)
Liked by: Michael Roberson

What was the last thing you paid for?

Movie ticket to see Kick Ass 2, what a waste.Last Major thing I payed for wasa trip to Arizona or an expensive ring for the ex, But that was not enough

what do you think of rikidozan

A Legend in Japanese Wrestling, If all was true about his match with Kimura is true I will say he was a dick for doing that. I also wish they would do a proper movie about his life.

Hey Dino. Is there any impression you can't do, or one you'd like to do, but aren't good at?

Eli Steele
Prince, when he hits the high notes. (By far my most painful attempt). On some days I can sing like Mike Patton but that guy has major vocal talents.

Can we get a 50 Shades of grey reading from any of your arsenal of impresions?

Possibly on the next broadcast :-)


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