
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Thoughts on the first look of WWE 2K15?

I am working on a letter to the company that AKI is currently to ask them how much would need to be funded to have a wrestling game made. I am tired of WWE focusing on the wrong parts of a wrestling game while restricting the fans. We have dealt with this shit for too long.

During the 80s did you had frustrating times with VHS tracking problems I love the VHS still

Everyone did. Although when I get dvd's that were ripped from a VHS and they have tracking problems I smile real big because it brings back memories.

Who was your hero in the 80s in sports and hollywood and music

Sports Hulk Hogan, Hollywood Stallone, Music Prince

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Is Joey Ryan as nice as I think he is OOC?

He's A Sleazy Ass. I would give anything to kill him in the ring again.

2 Questions! 1) Are you the table? 2) Do you believe in the WWEs "brass ring" shtick?

I was Phone, I believe in WWE's Ping Pong Ball Schtick.

Fuck/Marry/Kill Duel, Jericho or Johnny

I can't pick any of them to do all three of those things to. They are my friends :-(

Which of your impressions do you like doing the least?

I really don't know, I tend to do only voices I really enjoy.

Did you ever watch porn for like health class during your school years

NO!, My school District Sucked Ass.

Was coke bottles were better then cans in the 80s

I always thought they were better in cans, I never tried glass bottles until I was in my later teens.

Did you ever play sports in your childhood

I would try to mimic what My brother would do. But I chose to just be weird instead lol.

Did you ever played the football coleco handheld game the head to head one?

No I wanted to, We had one in my Grandpa's garage but no batteries, But I had some Tiger electronic games.

After listening to the theme song episode of SCJ, I think I found a gem that wasn't on yours, or Producer Ben's list, and it's Jactus Cack, "Mr. Bang Bang" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oDNNvZssQDA Do you remember this theme? And what did you think of it?

Joey Pitt
Yes I remember it, it was brought up but I am not a fan of it personally. I like his IWA theme which will be mentioned on our next Theme episode. Thank You for the link though :-)

Where do you find new music?

Youtube Suggestions, or the suggestions of my Awesome Fans, or sometimes by fate. It is the Greatest feeling in the world discovering new music. I may quote movies a lot but without Music I know I would go insane. There is something about the moment of a song that sparks up a memory.

#2 and came back it's okay to take a break from working out during the holidays is needed.

Yeah I tend to let the actual Holiday itself be my rest day, but I get right back at her when it's over.

#1 You know i wanna tell you something personal I'm happy what I've done for 8 months feeling happy eating healthy nowadays and working out 30 mins everyday and feels like a life time Losing weight is so hard it really is. It's not easy and I'm not definitely not afraid to say I've fell off

If you can admit that you fell off and then Get Right back to doing what needs to be done to get rid of the weight you put back on, then I give you Props. Not a lot of people can do that.

#2 After when people who want you to feel sorry for them just because they are sad and just want attention and going back to there ex's and making drama with it

Yeah I just let them be and make their own mistakes, you can only tell them so many times that the person is wrong for them because it is obviously effecting them, But The Heart wants what it wants.

#1 Have this happen to you before when someone gets in a relationship and drops all their friends and then gets dumped and expects things to be back to normal.

Yup, yet they can't understand why you are not so eager to talk to them again. Without taking Your feelings into consideration.


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