
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Would be too sweet if you did. Thank you & the NL guys for giving us boundless hours of laughter, it truly makes my day when I get to watch 1 of your guys' streams.

Thank You for watching and supporting. Jericho has been broadcasting a lot of of stuff lately. Check em out or "oot" as they say in Canada.

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Johnny said that you got a new job recently. Are you busy a lot and are you paid well?

No I was with a temp job but they didn't hire anybody so I am back on the search for permanent work. Hence why I have been wanting to stream like we use to. But those with a steady job are usually tired from a long day of work and will want to play something different. Which is understandable because the last thing we would want is for them to become so bored with a game that it is not for a long time to be done again.

How did you end up getting so over in the first place?

I honestly don't think I am over. I just am me when I do stuff and I still get shocked when people say they like the crazy silly stuff I do. But I don't think I will ever accept that I am over in any way.

You are a really humble man for how talented you are!

Thank You. I try to be. I never understood how people could be rude in the world, especially to those who give them such a respectful title as "talented". So I try to be in the best of moods when it comes to speaking to those who say they like what I do.

what would you stream if you had your own channel?

Cory Bender
A Fire Pro universe I have been on and off updating among my close circle of friends. Maybe a GTA Character show, or some fighting games where I voice over the characters on their fighting journey.

You are obviously the most over guy in the nLUniverse!! When you will take over the stream? :D

Haha. I don't think I ever will. That is a stream whom without I would not be back to life. However Once I get funding and proper knowledge I might start a stream of my own someday. When? I have no idea lol.
Liked by: Joey Pitt

Do you ever accept XBOX Live friend requests?

Not really. I did when I first broadcasted with nL, but there were a lot of creepers and demanding people so I stopped. :-(

How's it going, man?

Eh it's going. I am more mono toned with life right now. Trying to get my name out there, trying to be a better person everyday. How are you?

What made you want to be with your wifey/husband/gf/bf/significant other/hand?

I don't have any of those other things. But as for my hand, because nobody will have me. It's there all the time and some times I feel like it just treats me like dirt.

Do you remember the ketchup song?!

Sure do. It was a hit in Australia when my buddy went to stunt school there.

nL should do a roadtrip to a ppv or something that would be sick

Would be cool if they were going to Summer Slam.

What is the one thing you always wanted as a kid, but never got?

Someone to kiss like they do in the movies. But only after we just finished killing some evil drug lords.


Language: English