
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Just read your awnser from Liam's question about PWG,I miss you too in PWG,you were one of the reasons I started watching it,it really sucks that it went down like that,hope all is well with you,I'm honored with your friendship even if it's thru the internet,take care man and keep on being awesome!

All is Well Thank You Buddy. Whether it be online or face to face I value friendship, I owe it to you and many others for reminding me that I am remembered, best I can do right now is try to make you guys laugh. (HUG)

Did anything happen between you and PWG?, never see you. And frankly.... I miss you man :,(

Liam Jones
It is nice to know somebody misses me there lol. Here is the story of what happened.
I let them know ahead I was not going to be able to make it to a show because of my ride backing out last second (Since they moved to Reseda it was getting difficult to make shows and at the time I didn't have transportation of my own). I find out the next day that they wrote me off completely and the next day I was already taken off the website. I was hurt by it ( There were many times I felt like I didn't belong there but funny thing as soon as I felt confident in myself was the time I got thrown out) but tried to move on working other places, then I was approached by Scott Lost and Scorpio Sky to Manage in Scott's Farewell match, I said Yes right away and was ready to dust off the loud patterned outfits once again.
A few days before the event I am told that Dragon decided to not allow me in the match because "Nobody Would Remember Me". This was an even bigger kick in the balls because it was days before the event and suddenly I am out and also says anything I did there whether it be getting my ass kicked or managing seriously meant jack shit (Which I know many will say is the case.) but still the fact that I have been with that company since day 1 Training with the original Roster of local talent, working ring crew in the first years and WORKING my way up the ladder to get my chance, which I am grateful for with the opportunities I got, but to just throw me aside like I never existed, especially since writing me off was a decision I had no part in just left me with a bitterness towards a place that I believed in and did everything in my minimal amount of power to Promote,Get the audience to go from Quiet to Loud, Participate in the shows, even help with the trailers promoting the shows (Even after my "Departure").
Once again I was grateful for my time there but the execution of it like I didn't give a shit about them was what sent me over the edge. I know I will never be back there and to be honest if I was for some random reason asked back there I would have a lot to get off my chest and would basically be deserving labelled the ass-hole the PWG "Faithful" think I am for putting down their beloved Ape. But it would be a nice example of how that place changed not just itself but the people who were there from the beginning.
Also on a final note I Love The Mount Rushmore Of Wrestling (The ones I actually know) :-)

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Where did you get the mask in your profile pic? I love it

Liam Jones
I drew it up and a friend of mine had it made. My hood over it looks like I have long hair lol. Glad you like it :-)

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Hey, not really a question but my favourite memory of you!, was when you sang chris heros entrance theme. That is all

Liam Jones
Haha, Cheers, Sir. That was a great time, :-)

Do you ever play wwe 2k14 online games with fans, or nL/HVF guys only?

I play sometimes with the fans, it is just recently during the day I am looking for a day job/ working on my game or writing (Doing the work I would rather be paid to do). Seems the only time I play the game is when nL/HVF streams. The WWE games don't have too much replay value.

Do you believe that each individual on Earth has a soulmate?

Use to believe that with everything in me, but that would assume that the two would never have problems or disagreements. The Best kind of Soulmate is one that you can have misunderstandings and argue but in the end know that the fight was fucking stupid to begin with and move on with the make up Love.
Liked by: Candice

Favorite WWF/WWE/WCW/ECW video game?

Joey Pitt
WWF: No Mercy (N64)/Royal Rumble (Genesis/SNES)
WWE: All Stars
WCW: nWo World Tour/Revenge
ECW: None (Sorry Acclaim Fucked Everyone.

so i just got home from a chinese buffet and they were playing With arms wide open by Creed and i could not help but to think of you singing it on stream that one time xD thanks for the great moments Dino you need to do stand up :))

Michael Roberson
Hahaha Thank You Very Much. I tried stand up once and it went really REALLY BAD. So I think I will leave it to the professionals. :-)
Liked by: Michael Roberson

I love all your impressions especially the Duel one. I was just wondering what stream you did it in first because I cant find it.

Senor Pac
I know it was recently about 2 or 3 streams ago. I don't know exactly though. Sorry :-(

Help me out here Dino? You sang lyrics to Triple H's theme that went something like this - "This song is really lame, why did we make it? They offered us money, fuck it, we'll take it!" What was this from and where can I find it? Thanks!

Brian Shapiro
It was lyrics I made up, I use to make up parody songs with my Cousin back in the Attitude Era and On (Including today). Glad you enjoyed it :-)

Fantasy book a supercard between 1995 WCW and the cast of Frasier

1.) Meng vs Eddie The Dog
2.)Kevin Sullivan Vs. Peri Gilpin (Roz Doyle)
3.)Alex Wright/Flyin' Brian Pillman Vs. Stevie Ray/ John Mahoney (Martin Crane) "The New Harlem Heat"
4.) Jane Leeves(Daphne Moon) Vs. Big Van Vader. Texas Death Match
5.)Nature Boy Ric Flair/ Lord Steven Regal/ Earl Bobby Eaton Vs. Macho Man Randy Savage/ Dr. Niles Crane/ Dr.Fraiser Crane.
Liked by: Lazer

Dino, I actually love you (no homo). Thank you for being the Legendary Naughty Bobby and keeping us all entertained on the nL Streams. Long live the TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

Thank You Very Much :-) Happy Tatanka Day !!!!

Any podcast you're listening at the moment also I loved your Paul Heyman/Sinead O'Connor Mash Up,fucking DIED LAUGHING!!!!! hope all is well with you man! and I HOPE YOU GO BACK TO DO ANOTHER EPISODE OF COLT'S PODCAST!

DoublePageSpread, Trashytrio, HowDidThisGetMade.
Thank You I hope to come back on there sometime in the near future. :-)


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