
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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How long do you need to sleep to be in good shape?

If sleeping was the key to being in good shape it would be a long time before I woke up. C'mon 6 PACK lol
Liked by: Candice

Which is the best age to marry?

there is none, get married when you both want to. Whoever says there is one should have their ass kicked.

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What do you do when your sad?

Imnot Creative
I remember that sadness though it does suck, it is everywhere and I am not alone because somewhere there are others who feel the pain I am going through and maybe even worse. So I turn to music Listen to some Metal or Industrial to thrash about and dance, or if I wanna sing along I will look up my go to tracks for that. Other things I like to do are write stories, using the mood I am in to my favor. But when all else fails I always turn to my TRUE friends to hang out and make me forget about those things that bring me down.
Liked by: Imnot Creative

Hey Dino, I was wondering when exactly in January that first brainstorm session about that game you were on board was. Us over at AES are going to bring our AKI game expertise and ideas to the table and wanted a deadline.

Tiffy Lockhart
Right now it is set for the First week of January so I say you have a month and 8 days.
Liked by: Tiffy Lockhart

ROH is the only promotion I pay attention to now.What promotions do you pay attention to?

Nick Gomez
New Japan, NOAH, NXT (I know it's WWE but I consider it separate because it is what WWE Should Be), ISW

What are your thoughts on ROH? Think it could get as big as WWE? Also,can we hear you do a Jay Briscoe impression?

Nick Gomez
I like ROH, without them PWG would not be what it is today :-P
They could be if they had more character to the wrestlers, also they would need to become a bit more marketable towards families I am not saying go PG but have something to sell to everyone. Whether we like it or not the money lies in Kids and stuff to watch together.

If you were going to be stuck on an island with three celebrities, which three would you choose?

Kat Dennings, Christina Hendricks and Elisha Cuthbert >:-D ( This has Russ Meyer Movie written all over it.)

since l.o.d isnt in 2k14. who do think andre the giant should chose to reform a new bipolar shield?

John Bash
Well that is rough since I had no hand in creating such genius faction but if I had to choose I say Sin Cara and Scott Hall.

If you could live anyone's life for a day, who would it be?

Guillermo Del Toro. I am sure he meets creatures and monsters everyday and asks them if they want to be in a film. :-)


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