
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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What's the largest amount of money you've ever lost?

$600, Bought the ex some jewelry for birthday and Christmas. I should have billed her when I found out she was trying to set up for her next guy.

Do you ever have this moment where you thought it was a girl but it's a boy looking like a girl

The little brother from Teen Witch. I had no idea what that fuckers gender was.

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Is it true in the 80s you can ride a back of the truck and wonder all over the streets with no worries till now alot abductions happen now

lol yes

What associations do you have with the word "circus"?

I once saw an Elephant take a shit while doing a standing trick then the tumblers came out and had to tumble right in the spot.

Be honest, you only check your ask.fm when you see someone else on twitter answer a question, and you just follow the link from there? :^)

Nope I check it when I am bored or when I am doing my show.

If you could be an expert on any subject, what subject would that be and why? If knowledge is power, what topic would make the most powerful?

The Human Being. I think the most powerful topic is The Universe.

What do you think about more than anything else?

How things would be if I became the person I am tried so hard to not become.
Liked by: Pincente

Your such a nice person you deserve a good life not those price who bring you down i hope you can bring much happiness to others and to yourself :)

I wish I knew who you were so I can thank You directly.

What do you think of dollarstore wrestling figures mostly they have mistico ones

I think they are reasonable and believable knock offs for kids who can't afford the expensive ass WWE Figures. Give me Stone Cold Bill Goldberg Any Day Of The Week.
Liked by: Emilie

Can you come to Tony's stream?

can't because I am leaving soon for a writer's meeting and also Tony's streams are amazing I would just mess it up.
Liked by: Joey Pitt

Do you feel angry and hurt when a friend left you for no reason to give you

oh yeah. I had a friend who I loved like a family member and yet they looked down at me, didn't want to work with me on what we originally started and just would ignore me.

We both agree on Jericho's WCW theme being the best thee in wrestling history, but what would you say is the best theme today? I'm split between the Wyatt Family and EC3

Joey Pitt
Bray's theme or Adam Rose' Original theme.

I remember that fake porn video on no mercy video and you said what on earth your doing to my daughter?! Is it still avable

yeah probably. I am never taking any more 2% milk money shots those were my college days.

What would you do if you was in a royal rumble have a dino winwoods mode like a power up

picture a rage of Stan Hansen/Vader/Brock Lesnar/ Steve Williams Rolled Into One.

If you had to choose between friendship or a relationship which one would you choose? If both the friendship and relationship were equally great, what matters to you more?

As much as I want a relationship and to be loved It is not in the cards for me. No matter how good I am or how much I can care it is always returned with doubt and rejection.
I say Friendships for they are all I have. REAL Friendships. I know they can't be there for me all the time and I know I can be too much to handle a lot of time. I hope they know that whenever they need me I will be there.
Liked by: Candice

If you could learn any one martial art in the world without trying (like Matrix learning style), which would you pick?

White Lotus so I can be like Pei Mei (OG)


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