
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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To continue the wrestling manager questions(BTW thanks for all the tips :) ) ,how you will get your first chance to manage someoneg? I know that it not a simple answer question :)

when the promoter thinks you would be a good fit or if a wrestler wants you to work with them.

What kind of things are you interested in?

Music, Films, Sodas from all over the world, Geeky Intelligent Tattooed Women, Bad Ass Coats and great sunglasses also Gummi Bearen
Liked by: Yesenia Manrriquez

Do you prefer vintage or new?

I like new things that reference Vintage things. But I do love me some Vintage Jackets and Coats.

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What do you think makes a good wrestling commentator and if someone would want to go into the business as one, who would you point to as someone to emulate?

Reece Alan Theberge
Jim Ross for Emotional Story Telling, Joey Styles for knowledge of moves and Wrestlers. Also Pay attention to the way Japanese commentators react to things.

If ones dream is to be a wrestling manager, where would be the best place to start?

Watch tapes, study managers everything they do and find the things you think would work for you but most importantly MAKE IT YOUR OWN. Also get training (Yes even managers should have some training)

If you were going to Mars, which one item would you bring with you?

My Book the Tao Of Jeet Kune Do, so that I can buy a suit, grow my hair out and become the real life Spike Spiegel.

what would you change/add to career mode to make it better? personally I think going backstage is a must, I want to be able to Roman reigns a bitch lol

Cory Bender
I will answer that in the future. Don't want it getting out and back to where they can limit the Player even more than they already do. :-(

If you could remake any film or film series yourself, which would you pick? Who would you cast as director and star?

Deuces Wild
Directed By Takashi Miike or Chan-Wook Park
Starring Teah & Tadanobu Asano (Japanese Version), Byung-hun Lee & Jung-woo Ha (Korean Version)

It's a two part question.If you could pick one team from the nlWWE to be on the WWE TV which one would you choose? And also which one would you like to have a mashup theme and titantron?

SETH METAL RolLynn and Kaitlynn The Death Metal Family. Managed by Papa Jerry Lynn
Theme and Titan tron wise I say you have done the best ones so far :-)
Liked by: Pauline Andre

Do you believe that Russo had a major part on WCW's Death?

I believe that the company spent so much money on the wrong decisions and were struggling in ratings so they just kinda threw it up in the air for somebody to catch, I was never a fan of Jarrett especially as a world champion and I felt they should have pushed newer talent and looked for the next big thing and not try to recreate and milk their past hits. Russo just takes all the heat for it when he was just a small portion compared to the bigger heads.

You've just been given the offer of five million to start your own wrestling promotion, but only if you can pitch the concept of it without mentioning any other promotions.

Tiffy Lockhart
An actual wrestling community where good guys and bad guys exist but it is merely how you view them yourself. You can like one guy for reasons that a lot of people hate him. There can be a straight up good vs evil however much like Us as everyday people can have their own reasons for the actions they do. You can love someone one day and then totally hate their guts the next but that is what they will do to win the gold and to be the top wrestler.
That Belt will bring out the best or the worst in people but it all depends on their relationship with the opponent. You can take a guy who is a loaner and be a total jerk to the nicest guy ever but have it revealed why he hates him so much. Redemption can be had or further rebellion. Think of it as a comic book in a ways, not ever hero likes one another and not every villain is the same. Everyone will have their reason and heads will butt and sometimes forces will be joined. But the main focus is that you will FEEL the emotion in every match and promo

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If YOU were able to book Vince Russo in ANY storyline what would it be and what would his purpose be?

I would book him as a heel but also play off the hate the people seem to have for him. Have him mention that he will put the workers in some ridiculous over the top matches from time to time or threaten that if a person loses a certain match the stipulation is that he will pick a match that they must participate in next week.
Not a GM but as a Booker on Camera
Liked by: Brian Richter

You're running a wrestling promotion and your top star is own his way out. What do you do? A) Push your 2nd top star to the moon or B) Sign one of the top free agents out there?

John Bash
Push my 2nd top star, I would not want to bring in some free agent to suddenly fill in the top spot without putting in work for the fans and the company. If I sign the free agent, I make em work to get along with the crowd and the locker room.

the PPV in Puerto Rico was "New Years Revolution" and yeah it would have been intresting to see a rebooking

Yeah the fans deserved better attending and watching at home.

If you could invent a gimmick match, what would it be and who would you pick to be in the first one (any company, any time period)?

The Round Robin Match Whoever has the most pins at the end of the match wins. It would take some careful planning on everyone's part. The participants will be at ring side kinda like the Cibernetico. But once their match is finished out they go and the next participants come in. Once all participants have wrestled the match is over and the count is made, whoever has the most wins. Each match will be a 10 minute time limit.
I would say WCW since that sounds like an Idea they would do lol.
Eddie Guerrero, Air Styles, Christopher Daniels, Alex Wright, Elix Skipper, Jamie Noble, Kaz Hayashi, Lance Storm, Kwee Wee, Mysterio, Shane Helms, Shannon Moore, Yang, Benoit
Liked by: Brian Richter

How do you feel about 2k15 and the Career Mode?

Jett Willard
I feel it is about damn time they made a career mode with some depth to it. However I feel like there will be some restrictions also I read that the CAW parts will be the same if not more condensed. With WWE Games they take a step forward but seem to be taking a few steps back. A long way from the perfect wrestling game.


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