
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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What are your thoughts about the Irish Airborne (a.k.a. the Ohio is 4 Killers [or OI4K])?

John L. Ocasio
Can't say I am familiar with their work. However I would like to become more knowledgeable. Do you have a link showcasing their best?
Liked by: John L. Ocasio

Would you like to be famous and for what reason?

To prove to the ones who actually choose to believe in me that it was not in vain. Also to show the ones who used or doubted me that they should have been good to me.

Where and when do you get your best ideas?

It use to be from a muse but then it started to only make me fee miserable. Now it's from the darkest corners of my vengeful mind.
Liked by: Yesenia Manrriquez

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What associations do you have with the word "circus"?

My first time going an elephant shit when standing up. Also makes me wish I was with my Freakshow Family.

What do you think when you look in the mirror?

When are you going to be happy when you look at me?

What have you learned today?

Misery loves company and some people prefer the company of Misery and try to call it happiness. Also I ain't got time to waste on people who want that bullshit.
Liked by: Yesenia Manrriquez

attitude era or ruthless aggression?

Ruthless Aggression. It doesn't get enough praise because of Benoit and well a lot of bad matches and gimmicks. Attitude Era get's WAY too much praise. Especially since a major dickhead came from that era. Russo.
Liked by: Joe Jam

hey... what was your opinion on Brian Kendrick, Paul London, and Kenny Dykstra

Simon Haley
Brian Kendrick: When i first saw him wrestle as Spanky I seriously was Inspired. Chatting with him as a person he is one chill and cool dude.
Paul London: Blown away by his moves and the fact the fans made up the "Please Don't Die" chant for him had me impressed. Getting to know him was one of the coolest conversations ever. He is My Brother For Life.
Kenny Dykstra: I felt he was an underused talent much like London and Kendrick. That era had such great talent however not a clue what to do with it. I remember really liking his match with Jimmy Wang Yang (Also Underused) on Smackdown.

So is Arm VD still gonna be randomly showing up on nL or has Jawnny made him gone like the Doink stuff and Jericho doing Mama Hernandez. He said Arm VD died the other night and I didn't know if he was kidding or saying Arm VD is gone? if so shame on him for taking funny things away Lol.

He alive
Liked by: Miss Kristen

What are some attributes you look out for when you're browsing camgirl sites? Who's your favorite camgirl?

Thickness, Tattoos, breast size, Cosplay


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