
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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If you could own an exotic pet, what would you choose?

That Elephant thing from The Fifth Element that Zorg keeps in his desk.

Of all the impersonations you've done so far, which ones are your top favorites? Give at least a top 5 out of a top 25.

John L. Ocasio
Fuck, That's a rough answer lol.
Seth Rogen, Peter Griffith, Roger Smith, RVD, Evil Mickey Mouse.

How do you prefer to be awakened up in the morning?

The warm embrace of the sun telling me to greet the new day and looking over at this beautiful woman who is still sleeping and kiss her good morning and smile as she says back to me "let's do that again after we brushed our teeth" :-)

If you were going to do karaoke tonight, what song would you sing?

Edge Of The World by Faith No More. If they don't have that then Nice and Slow by Ursher (Not a typo)

What is the scariest movie you have ever seen?

Exorcist/Shining Because growing up with a Catholic Mom that stuff was planted into my skull ( I still won't ever fuck around with Ouija boards) Shining because old places scare the hell out of me and I have a Sixth Sense so when I am in a place and I immediately don't feel right it is because something is there.

Who's your favorite tag team in wrestling right now?

WWE Real Americans/The Rhodes Boys (Would have been 3MB but they are gonna break up soon :-(
Indy's there are too many to name because it actually is held in high regard. But to note RockNES Monsters, PPRay, Los Banditos, Ridiculously Big, The Working Dead, The Young Bucks

Have you ever been in love?

Yes I have. I gotta tell you it is the most wonderful pain in the world, because just when you think that you have the coldest of souls and that you are not deserving of love cause you feel like you are a bad person.
Someone comes along and you suddenly forget those feelings and you would do anything to make that person happy and you can't imagine yourself without them. Those who are still with or found that someone I salute them.
But those who had it, but it was never meant to be with that other person I say never forget how you felt, your frame of mind and how happy you were and remember that you are capable of love because you were willing to give your heart and soul to that person who may not have loved you back the same way, but let YOU know that when you do meet the person you are meant to be with the feelings will be returned.

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That's terrible. Funny story, but that' kinda shit shouldn't happen.

Brian Shapiro
I agree. It is that type of stuff that inspires writers. But also has one questioning the dating scene these days. lol

The date question with the response of "He came in my hand." was glorious. Thank you Dino. :D

Thank You. Sad thing is it was a True Story.

I bet you can't guess who asked that question. lol

A smokin' hot Woman who I complimented earlier in the year :-)

What's the worst thing someone can do on a first date?

Start the date off by telling you what happened on another date she had that very same night but beginning with "He Came In My Hand"

Do you think that there are any topics that there should be more movies about?

The Non Fit or Pretty Teenager. It doesn't have to be sad or depressing, make it a comedy, show how the kid is actually cool in their own way.


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