
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Was/is there anyone in PWG now that isn't a prick?

I can only speak for the ones I know: I tend to only know non pricks lol.
Biggest Pricks are the powers that be.

Ok so you're alone in a hotspring with tanaka, youre both feeling lonely, horny, and have drank a little to much sake, what do?

What always happens in a situation like that, She reveals she's part cat I reveal I am a tentacle monster and we have freaky almost violent type love making to a fast paced techno song.
Liked by: Joshua Pichardo

Hey Dino, just want to say that I'm very honored that you answer my questions. In WWE 2K14, Singles or Tag Team, Superstars or Divas, any permutation, can you give a me a feud to include on my Universe mode?

It is an honor to answer them :-)
I say singles have a feud between Savage/Punk, Tag:Eddie/Mysterio vs Antonio/Wade, 6-man: 3MB vs SHIELD, DIVAS: AJ vs Lita ( If they have her)

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What made you want to get into the announcing for wrestling promotions?

I wanted to be a wrestler first then while watching matches I would make jokes and call moves like Joey Styles so they had me be a commentator first, I grew to love it. :-)

Who is your dream girl?

Wacky Colored Hair, Some Ink and Curvy, maybe some pale skin who can gladly welcome me being weird as well as loving to her.
Or Kat Dennings lol

I feel like shit, cause i have a super dragon mask, and i was a fan of his, and he said that to you?

Eh you like who you like, No need to feel bad. He was an amazing wrestler at one time, personally is a different story.

If you were gay for a day who would you fucky fuck?

look through my past answers you will see the Bizarro world answer

Do you ever get annoyed with the PWG question? I mean, at least it means people care and want to see you there, but holy shit, I get tired reading it and I'm not even you.

eh not everyone knows about it. It takes a lot for me to get annoyed. I am grateful for that place because well it is how a lot of people got to see me, I did what I could to stand out in a place filled with athletes and it worked. but I don't want anyone to think that I left that place or wanted to stop doing what I wanted to do. I was gonna do a retirement angle so I can get back to managing but they used it to just get rid of me.

That seems like a dick thing to do. I now kinda question my love for PWG.

Super Dragon Clap, Clap, ClapClapClap. He actually said Nobody would remember me

Why doesn't PWG want you? Is it a kayfabe thing or a real thing?

Kayfabe is pretty much dead these days. It's a real thing. I guess I don't fit their product of fly in's, plus I guess only 1 person can make references on commentary so Excalibur got that job.

How do I win the heart of this one girl I know in my class?

that is up to her, all you can do is be yourself, anyone who doesn't like you for that does not even deserve to cross your mind. I hope times are easier on you then they were on me when I was in school. But just know that you are Awesome and there are and WILL be people who see that.

1.Where you at the Tenth anniversary for PWG? 2. What was your favorite PWG moment?

1. Nope, Will never go back there cause they don't want me.
2. Anything that happened in Europe for the first trip out there. It was a major personal accomplishment for myself and the old school roster.

whats the one nL series that you wish you would have been around for? (as in before u were introduced)

The invention of Chocolate Drop.

What's your favorite pro wrasstling storyline?

Savage vs Hogan leading to WM5, At the time you think Hogan was the good guy, turns out now that Savage was the tragic hero.

If you have a dollar for every man you slept with you would have _____ dollars?

Well I have shared plenty of sleeping areas over the years but if sexual, I would be flat broke.

Curious...how well can you impersonate Damien Sandow?

his voice is very common sounding but with great pronunciation, shouldn't be hard to do.


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