
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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Out of all the females you have known, who is the one you wish you had as your lady?

Elizabeth Denise Leggin
That is a tough question these days. I know so many amazing females, who I love for their own awesome characteristics, even you Madam.
But I have come to realize that maybe I am not meant to have anyone, I have been in bad situations and tried to hold on to as much as I could and it just seemed to hurt more and more when rejection came about or they chose someone else So I just go about life because I know I will like someone but a very slim chance they will like me the same way,
Hope this wasn't too much of a downer answer.

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where i live there's a harvey's called hooker harvey's where hookers hang out i would like some french fries and double cheese burger with a hooker :P

I want to go to there

Do you like strip clubs

haven't been to one in years. Just seems so much money to get blue balls. It has never been the same since I heard Frosty moved away

If Sami Zayn cant use his top rope brainbuster in WWE what move should he have

Yakuza Kick, Regular brainbuster, or his Blue Thunder Bomb

In gimmick to the previous question I mean like what type of weapons would you throw in under what rules-AbdullahHepC

Lighttubes, Monopoly pieces, sheets of Candy Glass with Electrified Barbed Wire, have it take place in Philly or NJ at Mania.

If you had to book a gimmick deathmatch what would it be

what do you mean by gimmick?
I think it would be cool to see an Actual death match ( Not Hardcore) in the WWE a real brawl maybe Ambrose vs Foley.

What are your thoughts on Adrian Neville, and do you think he should be called up soon?

Love his work, It was fun hanging out with him before he got big in Japan and then signed. I think he should be called up soon along with a number of high flyers to bring more highflying style to WWE TV. No bringing back the creuiserweight title just use IC or US as a title that flyers go after.

You and PWG had a falling out? Wow that sucks. When I think of PWG I think of your hilarious moments.

Thank You Very Much :-). I wouldn't call it a falling out, more of a situation where Dragon and Ex decided I was not serious enough for their rent a talent center.

If I ever made a wrestling company, I would have you as head writer. Lady Garza for world champ

Haha Thank You. It would be an honor to create :-)

Do you consider yourself a creative person?

I think so, but with coming up with ridiculous scenarios or stories, I wish I was more of a crafty person.

Do you still follow PWG and have their been any talks of you appearing for one night only?

No I don't, there was talks of me returning to manage Scorpio Sky for Scott Lost's final match but according to Super Dragon, Nobody would remember me.
I guess it is up to the fans to make a noise if they want me back there cause it is obvious to the Powers that be I am not wanted there.

Hey, so I watched that PWG show where you sang Chris Hero to the ring, (and might I say you have a fantastic singing voice). So what was the story with that, was that your idea? Hero's?

Thank You Very Much :-). The sound system was down and so we had to improvise. Hero asked me if I wanted to sing his theme song, I said Yes before the "?" left his lips.

Thoughts on Chuck Taylor?

I love the guy, Talented Wrestler, Hillarious in and out of the ring. I wish I got to hang out with him more in my final days before they Killed me off.

which is more lethal weapon gusset plate or ice cream sprinkles

Uh SPRINKLES!. You gonna compare a Pillow to a Land Mine next?

What are your thoughts of Sami Callihan getting a WWE contract and how would you book his wwe TV debut?

Always happy to see a fellow Indy worker make it to the big leagues ( though I heard some stuff about him), I say book him against Ambrose, it will get the Internet fans jizzing while showing the WWE fans how he can work. Have him either be someone from Ambrose' past or the new kid who takes no guff (I mean shi..) from people but he personally has a problem with Ambrose leading to a title match or a no DQ match

If you had to book a comedy match what would it be and who would be in it?

Kikutaro/Nosawa/Kinya Oyanagei/Yoshihiko VS Kushinbo/Topgun Talwar/Stalker Ichikawa/ Antonio Honda
Reverse Elimination Match ( starts off with 2 men, whoever gets a victory will add on members of a team, first team to have all members in wins, leaving the final person ready to fight but they will be confused when they come out and yet everyone is leaving)

Who are these stars you speak of?

Antonio Cesaro, Kassius Ohno, Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Adrian Neville, Sami Zayne, Generation Me, Joey Ryan, Kazarian, Manik, Samoa Joe, Kenny King

Whats more important Arm Strength or knowing how to breathe?

The true goal of everything is leaning how to breathe through ones arms.


Language: English