
Bobby Ramos

Ask @DinoWinwoodsGhost

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So yeah. When am i getting my royalty check from nL for coming up with the name "Whose gimmick is it anyway?" ? HMMMM???????? DO I NEED TO GET CHARLES ROBINSON?????? ILL DO IT!!!

Michael Roberson
Yeah I ain't got shit to do with it, I was just a guest star. :-)

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Freight Train Vs Ice Train Vs Mark Henry vs Bobby Lashley in a Blackttle Royal who would win? -Gettheclamps12

Ok let's Break It Down
The Bell Rings and the first thing that happens is that Mark Henry Back hands Lashley, which makes him go over the top rope to be counted out (first elimination).
We witness the greatest battle between the remaiing three, Crazy/Tajiri/Guido ain't got shit on these guys 3 way dance. and Freight Train gets the drop on Ice Train for the 1-2-3. Ice is out but not before he mutters to Freight "Proud of you either way...Brother". This confuses Freight as he looks at his Older brother walk away to the back nursing his neck.
Finally it is down to Freight Train vs Mark Henry, the crowd is chanting "GET DAT LUV!, GET DAT LUV!, GET DAT LUV!), They lock up. it is a strike fest in the spirit of Misawa vs Kwee Wee, Freight Train is down and is tired Mark's shadow covers him like a scene from ID4 (Independence Day), he starts yelling at the weakened combatant; "YOU THINK I WANTED THIS?, YOU THINK I WANTED THIS SON, HUH? I'M TALKIN TO YOU SON......." No response is given for Freight Train cannot seem to grasp that Mark might have him confused with someone else. Mark clubs him one more time and picks him up for the Final Chocolate Drop but not before saying "I Just wanted to be a Dad" and as he lifts up Fraight for full capacity on the slam, FT uses the momentum and rolls up Mark.
The crowd goes nuts Quad City DJ's bumps through the arena Your Winner Freight Train. Mark Henry turns him around and looks at the winner with tear filled eyes "I knew you had it in you.....My Son." Freight Train's eyes fill up with tears of joy (Ms.Elizabeth style) "Dadeee" (The Two hug in the middle of the ring. Mark yells at Ice Train to come out from the back and reunite with his younger brother. Ice Comes out and proceeds to slide on a Frozen Over Slip & Slide to the ring and hugs his brother and Dad.
Freight Train caught up in such emotion says "I just wish maww-ma could be heeeere", which sparks up a response "Baby?"
The camera zooms to the entrance way where we see Bobby Lashley dressed like an old lady (Think Grandma from Menace To South Central), carrying a pie. Mark hollars "Hurry and get in here Woman", Mama Lashley sprouts angel wings and flies into the ring and the whole Family Hugs for a full reunion. The Crowd is on their feet exploding with cheer and joy. Sting is up in the rafters simply stands up and looks at what has happened and says to himself "My Work Here is Done" and vanishes into thin air.
PPV Signature End of PPV

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Liked by: Marco de Qualcosis

How much CAWK would Lita CAWK CAWK if Lita could suck CAWK? Btw CAWK


What impression do you like doing the most?

right now it's Hank Hill, tomorrow or a few hours from now it might be different lol

Dino, just wanted to say that your entire golf commentator gimmick was pure GOLD. My question to you is this - Do you plan on commentating on anymore of Caveman's sports productions?

I would like to be apart of as many broadcasts as possible. Seriously no Lie I enjoyed working with him on past streams. But if he would have me back I would be honored. Same goes for all my Broadcast Brothers.

What was the most scariest or traumatizing experience you ever had? (if not too personal)

I shared a bed with Quicksilver and this chick that gave him a handski. The bed was rocking back and fourth and I pulled the covers over my head like an audience member at a Gallagher concert, preying to god I didn't get sprayed on.
Liked by: kendra creek

Who is the most famous person u ever hung out w/(penis wise) or met?

I have met a lot of WWE Superstars who back then were working the indies. Actor wise I would say Tom Arnold, he talked to Human Tornado and I when we auditioned for "Idiocracy" which turned out to be a shit fest cause they didn't hire us.

What is your attitude towards hunting?

If not to feed your family who are stranded in the woods there is no need for it.

Do you Think Chris Beniot and Wee-man are of any relations?

I have seen both men Kick themselves in the head. so there could be a possibility.

Looking back, do you truly think Jack Tunney was on the take?

Oh Hell Yeah. That Fucker had more envelopes than the post office.

If you were gay who is one dude you would fuck? For me its either John Stamos or the tranny from Crying Game (dont judge me).

No Judging here. The Tranny from Crying Game is a transitional period lol. Well my man crush was Clive Owen, but I think John Barrowman would be a good one it just seems like we would have the kind of relationship where it would have montage moments. lol

F Marry Kill: Chyna, Nicole Bass, or Terry Funk's gapping asshole, GO! (F: Chyna #THUCKTHUCKTHUCK ,M:Terry's butthole cuz ill get free gum, K: Nicole Bass, she seems like she can break my dick in thirds)

Very Good Selections lol


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